Hey there. I decided not to do a review today to tell you what's going on with this place. I was looking over my list of films and I'm currently out of films I consider Gems. I will sometimes pick from my personal collection and so jump ahead in the alphabet.
Apparently I have my own take on a lot of things as evidence from the IMDB ratings of some of the films I hate and others love. Plus, some that just thrill me, tend to be less popular with others. It's soooo subjective!
In order to help me with my other blog, I've been reading about business and marketing. I read this book called The long tail : why the future of business is selling less of more by Chris Anderson. It talks about how niche markets are driving sales in areas overlooked by traditional retailers. That's fancy talk for some people really like science fiction, horror or other genres and some hate these kinds of films.
What does this mean to you? Well really my "market" has two distinct parts. I started this to help people find films at the Coos County Library System. I stumbled on the idea to start reviewing just what I was finding off the shelves. Their online system is really quite amazing. Even if you aren't in Coos County please click and check it out. Anyone can look up items even if you're not in the area. That's pretty neat, if you ask me.
My second "market" are people who I know on the internet who I asked to look at my blog and help me with comments and errors. For a while, I had the idea some of them might want to "rent" from Amazon and I was putting in links to the films when I found them. Then I realized, it was a little bit of a waste of time and expensive IMHO. So I stopped the Unbox links. If anyone wants them back. let me know.
In case it is a mystery to you, I love science fiction. I'll give them more benefit of the doubt when I review. Though I do like anything well acted with a decent story and interesting scenery. I like alternative lifestyles and seeing different cultures. I'm proud of my liberal leanings and will never apologize for this.
I don't like violence and cavalier attitudes that celebrates moral decay. Oft lauded films like Clerks and the Godfather come to mind. While I like many aspects of Bladerunner, I don't like and still don't get the violence. Maybe it's just the cooperative chickness of me. I just see it as stupid and ineffective.
One last thing before I end this very long post. Anyone new to this blog, check out both my Dog and my Gem list. That'll give you a great idea who I am. If we have some common ground, GREAT, stay and read more. If not, that's fine too. Leave a comment and explain why I am wrong. I respect your input.
Have a great day