Both Murry and I liked this film enough to call it a Gem. Though it's a bit on the edge, closer to good than great. Michelle Pfeiffer plays an old witch who eats the hearts of fallen stars. Claire Danes falls from the sky because the King throws his gem into the air and knocks her down.
It feels a lot like a Narnia like story with mysterious worlds abutting our reality. A young man sneaks across the wall seeking adventure and finds a beautiful woman he hooks up with. He then returns home and nine months later a baby is delivered to him. When he grows up, the son also goes on an adventure to the strange land. He meets up with the star and they fall in love.
Sub plots make some of the story convoluted. I didn't mind though. Each element added to the main story. The king's children are chasing the gem that the knocked the star from the sky, the witch is chasing the star so she can eat her heart and the boy and star run afoul of some sky pirates led by Robert De Niro.
No, I couldn't make this stuff up, but I'm glad someone did. Coos Bay, Bandon, Myrtle Point and North Bend all have copies of this DVD.
Buy this DVD from :Amazon:
Stardust (Widescreen Edition)
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