I'm sure there are aspects of Chinese mythology that were totally lost on me. The magic mixed with martial arts held my interest for the run of the film, but I was disappointed at the outcome. Again with the unrequited love as a theme. Please.. tell someone you love your feelings as often as you can. Even if they don't return them, at least they know.
A pair of kick ass chicks and a kick ass guy fight over a special sword. They fly about and walk on water and generally defy natures laws. It's all supposed to be about their form of martial arts and that they have such power over the elements.
It's a real edge of your seat kinda film. Grab some popcorn and head to SWOCC, North Bend and Bandon for the DVD. Lots of VHS copies in Coos Bay, Coquille, Dora and Myrtle Point.
Buy the DVD from Amazon:
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
While we're on the fantasy bandwagon, I figured this tale of an Iowa corn farmer building a baseball field fits right in. Kevin Costner stars as farm dad turned voice hearing baseball hero. He builds a ball field in the middle of his struggling farm and goes on a road trip to goad his childhood inspiration into coming for a look at the park.
Along the way, they meet ghostly legends of the sport. James Earl Jones, Amy Madigan, Ray Liotta and Burt Lancaster round out the cast.
Very different films but both deal with unearthly powers. Look for the DVD in Coos Bay and North Bend and VHS copies in Coquille, Coos Bay, Dora, Myrtle Point, North Bend and Powers.
Grab the DVD from Amazon:
Field of Dreams (Widescreen Two-Disc Anniversary Edition)
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