Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Movie Review: Chrystal

As promised I'm doing a second review today.

Please do not let your kids watch this film. The adult themes tend to leave me a little shaken, and yet I found it deeply compelling. Chrystal broke her neck in a terrible accident that also caused the death, well probably, of her son and injured her husband.

We see her tragic life unfold 20 years later when her husband returns home from prison. It's clear they're both damaged and walking wounded. Billy Bob Thornton plays the husband Joe and Lisa Blount is Chrystal.

What really interested me was the unexpected turns this tale took. It truly indicts people who use drugs by showing all the long term consequences. Some things are left unresolved and convoluted. That kind of realistic yet ethereal quality held my interest even when I wanted to turn away.

Bandon and Coos Bay both have copies, but if you're in town, try the Coos Bay copy as the Bandon has many scratches.


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