Saturday, April 26, 2008

Made for TV Movie Review: Choices of the Heart: The Margaret Sanger Story

Dana Delany plays a nurse living in the 1910s. Women were protesting to get the vote and Margaret Sanger wanted women to have the right to choose when they became mothers. She created clinics that eventually became Planned Parenthood.

Obscenity crusaders felt her contraception materials were objectionable and confiscated her pamphlets and arrested the man who printed them, but she fled the country before they could jail her. She came back to fight for the right to print the material and the district attorney felt she'd committed no crime and dropped the charges.

While the history held some mild interest, the way they portrayed the story almost put me to sleep. All the interesting drama played out haphazard and very stilted. Sanger and her husband were socialists. They could have talked about that in the context of the time along with showing all the suffragette protests.

Bandon has the DVD.


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