Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Movie Review: Cheatin' Hearts

Even though it's 15 years ago it's nice to see James Brolin in something. I guess maybe the idea of this film was to show the New Mexico countryside, but they coulda picked a better plot. Brolin left his wife and family to struggle while he went off to be with another woman. He comes back to bilk his wife and mother of their children out of money.

Well, it just so happens one of his daughters is getting married so he has an excuse to come make a fool of himself. It comes off as a made for TV movie. I sat there wondering when the wife character would ever get a backbone.

I did watch it all the way through. I believed the acting enough to believe the story. Maybe it was just a little too real. Too much like every day life. No reason to watch this, just look over the fence at your neighbors. I'm sure someone is cheating, screwing up lives.

Dora has this DVD on the shelf.


PS IMDB calls this film Paper Hearts.

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