Thursday, April 24, 2008

Documentary Review: America: Freedom To Fascism

The concepts expressed in this film are intriguing and debate provoking. Halfway through, however, the filmmaker lost focus. It explores the IRS rules regarding income taxes. No one would produce for the documentary crew any clear cut rules for the legal law that establishes we must pay income tax.

Had the film kept to that topic and clarified it's points without the conspiracy theory aspect, I might have been more convinced. I'm not sure if the failures were due to the film makers inexperience with the documentary format, or he was so focussed on his agenda that he failed to enlighten.

Many excellent points were made with referencing the constitution and legal rulings having to do with taxation. Most of them were lost in poor illustration and text appearing on screen without any voice over to place the quotes in context.

I am intrigued by the ideas expressed and think it's worth a look, but I don't take much stock in it. Powers and Bandon have copies of this film on DVD.


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