Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Anime Review: Protectors of the Universe

This Korean animated feature tells the tale of a planet of baddies who take over the planet Orion. The people from Orion seek the help of Earth. It's a very convoluted and weird film. I'm not sure why but there's a giant robot spaceship that connects to like a bullet train to save the prince and princess of Orion.

So the robot/train goes off to fight the aliens. Ugly battles, bad voice acting leave only the moderate plot as the redeeming factor. I'm not sad I saw it, I just can't recommend it to anyone else. Maybe if you want to contrast Japanese and Korean anime. We found the DVD on the new shelf in Coos Bay, though the film was made in 1983.

IMDB barely has anything on it but here's the URL:

PS All your base are belong to us! (just for my more geeky friends)

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