Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Movie Review: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Mendacity. Yes, these characters live their lives in denial, desperation and desire. Big Daddy expects his favorite son to get his act together and handle his life. All the women deeply wish their men cared for them in the way they expect. All the men pursue selfish ends without regard to those who love them.

Maggie the Cat (Elizabeth Taylor) just twists and poses herself in every position to be loved by her husband and his family. Paul Newman as her husband Brick just can't seem to resolve his feelings of wanting to be his own man, separate from what his father expects.

Tennessee Williams's language always draws the viewer in. You just can't help but find someone to identify with. Burl Ives dominates as Big Daddy, though it's Willaims words that give him power as much as the actors presence. I agree with the IMDB reviewer who mentioned he should have recieved acting nominations.

VHS tapes availabe from Bandon and Coos Bay. Myrtle Point has both DVD and VHS copies.


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