Thursday, March 20, 2008

Stuff and Nonsense

I've got a pretty big list of films I've seen, but strangely no dogs and no gems lately. So I just thought I'd post about my thoughts today. The Coos Bay Library has been closed the last week and wont open for another week. If you are in town, you can still use the drop box, or just go over and check out the North Bend branch.

North Bend has a perpetual book sale and magazines right at the entrance. That's kind of nice to paw through. I pick up stuff now and then.

I've been to many of the libraries in the system. I have yet to visit them all though. Maybe we should take a road trip. I got married inside the Powers library. That was an interesting non movie related event though. So I wont bore you with any details.

Ok, any questions or comments, please post them here. I'm still looking for someone to do a few reviews a month. Give me a little break. Type at you soon.

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