This film so fits in with the reason for this blog. I pick up a batch of movies a couple times a week from the library for free and write about them on a free blog service, pay as little as I can for internet access and just generally stay out of the consumerist society.
I truly love the aspect of contrasting things like gross domestic product numbers going up with things like the environment, people working and being content and society in general. It always confounded me how a stock for a company would go up after announcing 30,000 people lost their job.
Noted author Joe Dominguez wrote this interesting book called Your Money or Your Life all about figuring out what you REALLY want. Not what you have to do to "keep up." (Great book check it out at the library.)
Watch the bonus features, the long piece could have been done better and less "talking head." but it's really interesting and does add to aspects of the film. Some of the "anti commercials" are thought provoking.
I started to consider the impact I was having on the world around me. I wish to leave the world a better place. If that means no one remembers me, I can live with that. See it, see if you start wondering about your impact.
Look in North Bend and SWOCC for a copy of this intriguing DVD.
Buy it on Amazon
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