Friday, May 30, 2008

Movie Review: Melinda and Melinda

They claim this film offers two perspectives on the same story: a depressing tragedy of a woman who can't keep her life together and a comedy featuring the same woman. The juxtaposed in the same film did not work. I'd like to see where the humor came in. I didn't find it.

Again with the stupid rampant cheating and that's supposed to be entertaining? Everybody cheats in this universe. Maybe if the cast was exactly the same just playing different roles.

Huge Will Ferrell fan? He has a smallish part. Oh and don't forget Woody Allen. Look in Bandon and Coos bay for the DVD.


Can't find it on Amazon. Weird.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Movie Review: Cold Mountain

Renée Zellweger won an Oscar for her amazing performance as Ruby Thewes. Jude Law deserved one as well. Whereas Nicole Kidman portrayal as Ada felt predictable. As did the whole plot.

Inevitable end to a tragic tale. War is hell not just for the fighters but the family left behind. Seems like they could have cut out a lot of the beginning and get to the meat of the story and more of Zellweger's character.

I'm glad I saw it, but could have not and still been fine.Look in Coos Bay,North Bend, Coquille, Bandon, Myrtle Point and Dora for the DVD and Lakeside for the VHS tape.


Buy it on Amazon
Cold Mountain (Two-Disc Collector's Edition)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Movie Review: American Gangster

I suppose I admire some level of a man who can sort out the business of being a gangster so well by observing the reality and working around it. Denzel Washington plays the lead with Russell Crowe as the cop who finds a way to bring him down.

Based on a true story about corrupt cops and the Harlem gangsters who pay them off and work the system. Seems like people in a lawless lifestyle never really get it. They're just a pissed off mood away from gettin shot in in the head. Some put on nice suits and pretend they're something different from just an asshole hurting other assholes.

Look in Coos Bay, Myrtle Point and Dora for the DVD.


Buy it on Amazon
American Gangster (2-Disc Unrated Extended Edition)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Movie Review: Cold Creek Manor

I like Dennis Quaid. He can entertain me now and then. He's sorta the cut rate Harrison Ford. This film also features Sharon Stone as Quaid's wife.

It's a typical horror and I think they intended it to have more super natural aspects but they never fully developed. It might have made things more interesting.

City folk move to a small town into a home sold in foreclosure. The previous owner shows up and for some stupid reason these people let him into their lives. Townsfolk treat them poorly and it just goes south.

It's good advice where the previous owner tells the city folk they need to learn about the native critters. As a plot point it made the story really dumb. Too many character have too many flaws that we're never sure of the focus of this film.

Look in Lakeside and North Bend for the DVD.


Buy it on Amazon
Cold Creek Manor

Monday, May 26, 2008

Movie Review: Code 46

Tim Robbins stars as an investigator in a near future world where people cannot travel without the permission of the mysterious Sphinx. We're never really told why this world separates the haves from the have nots so clearly, other than the have nots live "outside" because they can't get "cover."

It seems to be some kind of insurance and you have to use a paper passport to move around the world. A code 46 means that people who have similar genetic make-ups can't have children together. Robbins character hooks up with the woman he's investigating and she gets knocked up.

The woman played by Samantha Morton, tries to help people get around the system and travel where they want. So much is packed into this film I think multiple viewings might help sort it through.

I know I say it every time I come across a film like this, but I just love my whole plan for reviewing library DVDs alphabetically. I hadn't heard of this film and I'm so glad I got to see it. Wow, there's a VHS copy in Lakeside and a DVD in Bandon.


Buy it on Amazon
Code 46

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Stuff and Nonsense

I don't keep track of the word count of reviews. It's maybe 100-200 average though. At over 270 posts that makes 27,000 words. A novella for sure.

Ironic to have this many posts considering I hate writing "formal" reviews. Nothin formal about this blog! I want it to be casual and fun. I want to warn about crap cinema and bring up obscure gems that didn't get much advertising or buzz.

I do seem to have very eclectic tastes. I am not swayed by stars, effects or budgets. Though any one of those aspects can push a film up or down a category.

I saw three movies last night. One so bad I just switched it off, one bad enough to run in fast forward most of the way through and one really interesting science fiction drama that I'll review tomrrow.

I haven't done a recap in a really long time. I'm not sure if I should do them or not. Tomorrow's review I should probably reference several other films that it reminds me of. Maybe that'll be a fun thing to do. We'll see.

OK, no review today, just my musings. Please comment if you like or dislike something. As I said before, I am not doing the ads here for money making purposes. I want to get a couple copies of things to replace at the library, plus pay for some flyers printing and the like. I will take it down if readers have complaints.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Movie Review: Closer

This love quadrangle staring Natalie Portman, Jude Law, Julia Roberts and Clive Owen reminds me how messed up some relationships get. Portman outdid herself. I mistook her for someone I didn't know.

Though the performances held some quality, I just didn't care about the lives of these characters. Everyone cheated and acted like dogs. They pretended not to here adn there but in the end, every one of them made a mess of their love life.

I despise self delusion perpetuated as "love." If you want to be with someone else, break up with the person you're with now. If you cannot, and you don't have an understanding, you're a jerk. These people are jerks.

The only reason to get it is if you like these actors and you just want to see them. Look in Dora and Bandon for the DVD.


Buy it on Amazon

Closer (Superbit Edition)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Movie Review: 10 questions for the Dalai Lama

I just watched this today and while I think it's profoundly interesting, I found it difficult to understand the Dalai Lama speak. Murry read the subtitles to me and that helped.

Some issues with discussing the poor of India being happier than the wealthy really struck me as interesting. I just heard Madonna say the same thing about her experiences in Africa.

While I never had a wealthy lifestyle myself, I did watch the dissatisfaction in my sister's children. They behaved as if their parents owed them their tiniest whim. The very same kids went to their Jewish aunt's home and behaved with reverence during a short bible reading and lighting of the menorah.

I think that taught me that it isn't the poverty or the people, but about the values of people around them. The Dalai Lama tries to share his values of religious tolerance and peace. Spend some time with him and see what you think.

Find the DVD in Bandon.


Buy it on Amazon
10 Questions for the Dalai Lama

Movie Review: Clueless

Ok, so I am this film because I missed getting this written yesterday. My bad. ;) I'll write another review tonight. Honest.

Now to the film. I just loved Alicia Silverstone as the seemingly ditz Cher. In truth, She's quite clever and smart, but she found her social niche as little miss clueless. It's easy to get around in her world if people think she's dumb.

There's way more than meets the projected audience's eye. Teens will enjoy it but I think so will adults. It's about how we interact as social beings.

Spend a couple hours with Cher and see if she can make you laugh. They even made a TV series, but I don't think it was very good. Check out the VHS of this film in North Bend or Coos Bay and check Lakeside for the special edition DVD.


Buy it on Amazon!

Clueless (Special Whatever! Edition)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Movie Review: Catch and Release

I could have sworn I wrote a review of this film, but I guess I just looked something up on it. Jennifer Garner has an interesting personality. I'm a super big fan of Alias because she was this kick ass spy chick in that. Sadly, she's whiny and messed up in this film.

I'll give her that the character just lost the man she was about to marry, but still. I don't think we get a sense that she really cared about him. I do blame the poor directing and lame script.

Writer/director Susannah Grant didn't give us any reason to like anyone in this film. The men are sexist jerks and the women are judgmental witches. Even the hippy chick has no sense of the cruelty she's enacting. She just gets in everyone's face with how they should eat and their "energy."

If you can't wait for this to slow up on TV, head on out to Dora, Myrtle Point, Powers and North Bend for the DVD.


Buy it on Amazon
Catch and Release

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Documentary Review: A Class Divided

A Class Divided

I've seen this before on television and wanted to watch it all the way through again. A third grade teacher divides her class by eye color and the first day tells the students with blue eyes they're special. Brown eyed kids lose all privileges. On the second day, she reverses it and the brown eyes are on top.

After the two days, the teacher talks about the experience. We get to see them as adults speak of the profound effect it had on them. How they began to understand the idea of prejudice once they had a small taste of it.

The teacher, Jane Elliott, went on to show adults the power of this exercise. Please find a copy somewhere of this outstanding Frontline report.

People think that helping race relations is a complicated difficult task. Elliott shows dramatically how that may not be so. I remember as a child, making a choice to never judge people on the color of their skin. That was the way I was judged and didn't like it. If it was wrong for them to do it to me, it was also wrong to do it myself.

A class divided is at SWOCC.

Since there were no specific pages for this I'll just provide the link to the book on Amazon.

Buy this Book on Amazon
A Class Divided, Then and Now, Expanded Edition

Monday, May 19, 2008

Movie Review: The Wraith

"We know our constipational rights." OH MY GOD. Murry grabbed this film off the shelf in North Bend just to see a young Charlie Sheen. Please, just run the other way.

The script is stupid and the acting rivals a middle school production. Sheen comes back to earth to fight a bunch of hoodlums who cut him up and left him for dead. I guess he's got aliens on his side. I can't quite figure out the story.

He's got a fast futuristic/alien car to race the bad guys. Are you following this? I sure can't.

North Bend and Bandon have the DVD.


Buy it on Amazon
The Wraith

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Documentary Review: Bush Family Fortunes

I picked this film with glee hoping to learn something about the president that I didn't already know. Alas, no revelations of any note. No new insight into how the family made its' fortunes and how W came to be in power.

The filmmaker tells us he could only make this documentary with the BBC because "American Media" kowtow to the corporations. Really? So that's why Michael Moore couldn't get his movies made?

Like a few other films about the George W. Bush presidency and family, it's almost bad enough to be a puff piece for the republicans. It's like, well if they really couldn't find that much, there must not be anything to write about. It's more a whine than intriguing evidence of corruption and graft.

Bandon has a copy of the DVD.


Buy it on Amazon

Bush Family Fortunes - The Best Democracy Money Can Buy


Friday, May 16, 2008

Movie Review: The Chronicles of Narnia. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

I'd say it's about two weeks since we viewed this film. I watch tons of things at least a movie a day, I think it's a great sign that I still remember the film. I hadn't' read the books as a child, but I've seen elements of it elsewhere. I knew the story.

Four children are shipped off to safer territory during World War II. While lurking about the home of the man they're staying with, they discover a magical land inside a large wardrobe closet.

While there they fulfill a prophecy of being the ones who save the land from an evil ice queen. Lots of talking animals and mythological creatures. A war breaks out and the children lead armies into battle. Effects seemed adequate and the story spoke of betrayal, but ultimate honor.

It dragged a bit while we were waiting for them to get to the point. I'd say it's a good all around family film. Not as scary as some Harry Potter, but about the same caliber.

Coos Bay, Bandon and Myrtle Point have copies of this DVD.


Buy it on Amazon

The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Widescreen Edition)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Movie Review: Chain Reaction

Keanu Reeves plays a scientist inventor guy who tries to develop clean energy but runs afoul of some mysterious figures who try and blow up his work. Silly plots aside, there ARE films where the implausible works. This ain't one of them.

I found Morgan Freeman forgettable in his role, but Rachel Weisz looks young and cute as Ms. scientist lady. Lets watch stuff blow up, woo. I got better things to do, thanks.

VHS users can check in Dora and North Bend and find the DVD in Myrtle Point and Bandon.


Buy it at Amazon
Chain Reaction

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fiddling around

Please have patience for the ad fiddling. I am trying to figure out how to have the best placement and it's not as easy as I would like to use Amazon. Certainly, no one has to buy the DVD, I just thought they have some interesting reviews, and other information not on IMDB.

I encourage you to consider buying it if you really find the film of interest. It will help compensate me for my time. I also want to buy a couple films not available at on the library system. Heavy Metal and the Red Dwarf IV disks are missing or damaged. We already replaced the scratched DVD of Return of the Jedi.

Feel free to comment for any reason. I'm open to fair and honest critique.

Movie Review: Cinderella Man

I wanted to like it. I tried to like it, but it fell short. I guess Russell Crowe and Renée Zellweger really tried their best to get into these characters, but something just didn't work.

Maybe Ron Howard hoped to influence moviegoers with the Rocky like story. I blame him for the draggy pace. He seems to choose gritty reality to more entertaining movie trickery. GIMME MAGIC MAN!

Ok, no need to shout. If you can wait for it to come on some cable channel watch it then. Bandon, Dora and Myrtle Point have the VHS and check in Powers, North Bend and Cuquille for the DVD.


Buy it on Amazon
Cinderella Man (Widescreen Edition)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Comedy DVD Review: Eddie Izzard:Circle

Be WARNED, Eddie Izzard is NOT for everyone. I love his irreverent take on life and his in your face cross dressing ways. It's a bit weird, I've seen him on many talk shows and he mutters and mumbles his way through. Give him an hour with a microphone and he's a star. I guess he needs time to polish his act and he just doesn't plan his chats with late night comics.

He makes jokes about all those things they say never to talk about. Politics and religion for starters. And there's loads of cussing. Where appropriate that doesn't' bother me, but this is not for kiddies.

Real man comedy from a real man. Do gander at the bonus features and you'll see what I mean about his mumbling.

Check out this DVD from Bandon.

Buy it on Amazon
Eddie Izzard - Circle

Monday, May 12, 2008

Clerks 1 and 2

Gross and stupid. Who TALKS like that? Oh please, I don't care what the IMDB people say.. This.... needs to be buried in some landfill with other garbage.... Make it go away.

I'll tidy up the urls and write more later. Maybe. These don't deserve it.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Movie Review: Captain Kidd

Charles Laughton and Randolph Scott star in this classic adventure drama. A prate cons the authorities into making him protector of ships who pass through rogue infested waters. Of course he uses his position to figure out the best ships to capture.

Adam Mercy hires aboard Kidd's ship in order to find out what happened to his father. Kidd finds him out and attempts to kill him and the lady he tries to project.

The black and white and 1945 era effects keep us focussed on the plot and the acting. These people make us believe the story and lose ourselves in the action. I think even kids would enjoy this once they got past the age of the film.

Check out the DVD from Bandon and find VHS copies in Coquille and Powers.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Movie Review: Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Regular readers of this blog know that I love science fiction. I've been to many conventions, I read books, I watch tv shows and I have even been in a costume contest all to express my love of the genre.

I want to love this film. I can't. About 30 minutes of it was really interesting. A little at the beginning but most of it is the ending climax of the film. The neato space ships and music thrills the senses.

Richard Dreyfuss does an outstanding job as the manic sculptor Roy. He sacrifices his family for his obsession to build a replica of Devil's Tower where the aliens have scheduled a close encounter. Teri Garr plays his beleaguered wife.

François Truffaut and Melinda Dillon play memorable parts as well. Do look over the bonus features and see the making of the film. Steven Spielberg displays some interesting thoughts of contrition that he's a different person now and wouldn't have written the same film.

Myrtle Point, Coquille and Bandon have DVD copies and check Myrtle Point, Bandon, Dora, Coos Bay, Coquille, Powers and Lakeside for VHS. Look careful at the container. Some are special edition, some are theatrical release. Either is fine really, but for bonus features, pick the DVD.


Friday, May 9, 2008

Movie Review: The clearing

Memo, if a kidnapper lets you see his face, things have gone very wrong.This crap simply wasted the talents of Robert Redford and Helen Mirren. They tried to make something out of this used toilet tissue masquerading as a film.

Unlike a lot of bad films, I did watch it all the way through. I hoped against all evidence that some conclusion would appear to make it worth my agony. None came.

Willem Dafoe takes Redford at gunpoint just as he leaves for work. The two men drive out to the woods and traipse around for several hours. The time gets all mixed up because it's clear there's a lot going on with his wife, children, FBI and ransom demands.

Ransom and earlier reviewed Firewall would be considerably better choices. But maybe you like the actors enough to see for yourself. Bandon has the DVD and several VHS copies can be found in Lakeside, Bandon and Coos Bay.


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Peter Falk's cheapness does not come through well enough to make it a good title. It happesn in the background where we miss it if we're not paying that close attetion. All the camp and silly doesn't really amuse me.

Yes, I got all the detective movie references. Maybe it's like the Scary Movie of it's time. Only it's parodying the detective genre. Women keep throwing themselves at Falk's character.

Ann-Margret, Eileen Brennan, Madeline Kahn and Stockard Channing all vie for his attention. Kahn probably gets the best laughs with all her character always changing her story. Murry liked Margaret for her pronunciation of baubles.

In writing this review I started to dislike the film more than when I first saw it. Seems like more of a waste of time. Check out the DVD from Coos Bay and Bandon and the VHS from North Bend and Powers.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Musical Review: Dreamgirls

I totally loved Jennifer Hudson's performance. I know it's so following the crowd to do that, but when the crowd is right, I follow. You must see her. She bursts with soulful angst.

I think Eddie Murphy was lucky to get nominated. While his characterization helped the story along with many plot points, it lacked anything beyond adequate. Jamie Foxx and Beyoncé Knowles did way better.

The story revolves around a girl singing group who dream of stardom. They begin backing up a well known singer who does well on the R&B charts, but fails to break into the more profitable rock genre. Until his manager starts arranging some payouts to deejays.

The whole payola controversy slips into the film with song. I rather liked that. It hearkens back to a Rogers and Hammerstein musical extravaganza tradition.

Lots of copies available: Coos Bay, Bandon, Dora, Lakeside, Coquille and Myrtle Point all have copies.


Buy it on Amazon
Dreamgirls (Widescreen Edition)

Download it From Amazon

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Two Films about India

Both these films pack lots of subplots into the two hour span. I happen to like that, but it can get a little confusing.

I love cultural diversity. In the case of Indian food, not so much, but other ethnic foods alone would make me love all the different ways people live. Here we are treated to the Indian tradition of arranged marriage.

What would it be like to meet your husband on the day of your wedding? What if you're not sure you want to go along with your family's wishes?

I've seen class differences before, yet no quite so clearly defined. The poorer folks seem to have a bit more choice in an odd way. The pressure on the family to provitde a proper dowry for their daughter bends their financies.

Then there's the sub plot of a child molesting family member. Finally people start to stand up against him and reject his advances. That takes amazing courage.

Check out this fine different film from Coos Bay, Bandon or Mrytle Point.


Patrick Swayze in a film about India? He plays a hot head disillusioned doctor who goes abroad to find himself. Though the story truly revolves around a poor family new to the big city. Om Puri plays the patriarch.

Om Puri's character lost his farm in the country and came to the city to try and make a living. He lives on the street and saves the doctor from some hoodlums. The doctor gets taken to a place called the City of Joy, hence the title. It's a clinic that treats the locals. Joan (Pauline Collins), the proprietress finds out he's a doctor and tries to talk him into helping her.

Swayze seemed poor casting to me. Maybe the point that he appeared to be a fish out of water made the character act the way he did, I don't really think someone who would GO to India would act that way. I think a person like him would be too selfish. It was too much of a change. Even so, I enjoyed the film.

There's some mafia/poverty/western conflict that really explains what I believe to be realistic stress when people come from outside to involve themselves in a culture they may not understand. The filmmakers showed all this without awkward scenes of people explaining. People just went about their business being a godfather or poor neighbors and it was obvious who they were and what they were about.

Pick up this fine DVD in Myrtle Point and the VHS from Coos Bay.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Movie Review: The Choppers

As I've mentioned before, I like Perry Mason. This reminded me of an episode of that show. A bunch of hoodlum kids figure out a way to part out and chop up a car in record time and sneak away inside a truck carrying chickens.

It's kinda interesting for it's time. I didn't recognize anyone from the film but look over the IMDB listing and see if you spot any of your favorites.

Not bad for what it was. B movie fare from the 60s. Lame acting and plot but smart enough to hold my interest the whole time.

Bandon has a copy of this DVD.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Movie Review: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

My friend recommended I see this film because she LOVED the voice over dialog. I hated that and then I got up and walked away while watching it. I got online and probably should have begun this review then and there. That was like 10 days ago and I had to think seriously of what so offended me.

I turned away when the Robert Downey Jr. character starts insulting girls for their damage. I couldn't take another minute of the stupid plot.

A criminal turned actor wanna be gets involved with a detective and a girl and stumbles into a murder plot. The convolutions go forth from there, but you're on your own with trying to figure them out.

No skin off my nose if you like this offensive DVD. It's in Bandon.


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Documentary Review: Chuck Jones: Extremes & In-betweens, a Life in Animation

Ah, I didn't realize until I started looking for it on the Internet Movie Database that this was a PBS episode of Great Performances. Sweet.

Lots of stars talk about Chuck's influence on classic Warner Bros. and other animation. Though an artist himself, his best skills come out when bringing together animators, voice acting and script.

I really picked up this film to show Murry. He's a HUGE fan of animation and I thought he'd get a kick out of it. I had no idea it might threaten his life. While watching he began to laugh so hard he choked on his sandwich. (He's fine, all is well.)

They showed a clip of a Daffy Duck cartoon called Truth or aHHHHHHH (Daffy scream) and ole Mur just couldn't handle it. I think I'll be picking peanut butter out of the carpet for the rest of my life. One character of a program we used to watch together, called Daffy the "Egyptian God of Frustration. " So he's quite dear to our hearts.

Chuck influenced the comedy of many. Including other animators, actors and directors such as Ken Burns, Whoopi Goldberg, Matt Groening, Ron Howard
and Robin Williams. So much diverse influence from such short films.

Please rush down to bandon and have a look for this DVD.


Friday, May 2, 2008

Just a few words

I haven't talked about the reasons for this blog in a while so it's time to retell the story.

I love to read and enjoy a huge variety of topics. In case it was missed with the occasional mention, I am legally blind. That means I don't see enough to drive, but I can usually manage to get around without the use of a white cane. I do have one for rough ground or visually confusing situations.

So my husband and I went in and got ourselves a library card. We checked out some books and some DVDs and were having a great time. Then I found the online catalog. OH MY GOD. A visual impaired person's who likes books nirvana. I could, and have, look up my favorite writers, topics, actors and topics. You name it, it makes the static shelves come alive.

It's not a complaint, I live in the real world, but I have a rough time finding books and DVDs on shelves. Dewey makes sense, yet he's my foe. The numbers are so tough to find. Not online. I can just pick a topic and go to town.

So I created this blog to share the neat finds on the system. I occasionally make a spelling mistake in the title box, because the contrast for Firefox spelling check doesn't show up as readily as in the body of the posts.

Feel free to alert me to an error. I will fix it immediately. Though be aware that sometimes I use creative spelling on purpose. Point it out anyway.

Thanks a lot for those who read. I'll keep posting.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Three Lawyer Dramas

Another talented young actor cut down in his prime, Brad Renfro, held the screen against Susan Sarandon. Though Sarandon counts as the lead, the movie isn't called "the lawyer." Renfro passed away a few months ago.

A smart kid gets himself into deep trouble and needs a lawyer to look out for his interests. He comes up with a flawed yet amazing choice in Regina "Reggie" Love. They're both in over their heads and caught in the middle of a battle between the mafia and the prosecutors seeking their conviction.

Perhaps the book is better. John Grisham does love his tales of the law.

Look in Powers for the DVD, lots of VHS copies around the system. Try Myrtle Point, Powers, Coquille, Coos Bay and Bandon.


Chris O'Donnell and Gene Hackman share nothing in common here. I just take it on faith that they're related. This seems like a long convoluted Perry Mason episode. That is a good thing I love Perry. A man investigates ways to save his grandfather from the death penalty and uncovers the "real" killer.

Lots of racism and terrorism from our decades old past shows up as a stain on our collective souls. I wonder if we could ever make it right by putting the perpetrators to death.

Library: Bandon for the DVD. VHS copies are in: Coos Bay, Bandon and Lakeside


I don't think I'll ever forget Robert Duvall's portrayal in this film. He works deep in the bowels of a conglomerate who pollutes the river of a rural community. His performance alone is worth a viewing. John Travolta tries in vane to hold them accountable.

Bandon has the DVD, look in Dora, Coquille and North Bend for the VHS.
