Sunday, May 25, 2008

Stuff and Nonsense

I don't keep track of the word count of reviews. It's maybe 100-200 average though. At over 270 posts that makes 27,000 words. A novella for sure.

Ironic to have this many posts considering I hate writing "formal" reviews. Nothin formal about this blog! I want it to be casual and fun. I want to warn about crap cinema and bring up obscure gems that didn't get much advertising or buzz.

I do seem to have very eclectic tastes. I am not swayed by stars, effects or budgets. Though any one of those aspects can push a film up or down a category.

I saw three movies last night. One so bad I just switched it off, one bad enough to run in fast forward most of the way through and one really interesting science fiction drama that I'll review tomrrow.

I haven't done a recap in a really long time. I'm not sure if I should do them or not. Tomorrow's review I should probably reference several other films that it reminds me of. Maybe that'll be a fun thing to do. We'll see.

OK, no review today, just my musings. Please comment if you like or dislike something. As I said before, I am not doing the ads here for money making purposes. I want to get a couple copies of things to replace at the library, plus pay for some flyers printing and the like. I will take it down if readers have complaints.

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