Whoever wrote the text for Pierce Brosnan to read sure needed to go back to writing school. It earned the film a soso rating even though it has beautiful imagery. Lots of neat ocean scenery, but watch the ones for kids instead. They are just as pretty with less annoying narration.
Library: Bandon
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0365109/
Amazon: Deep Blue
Who knew corporations are bad? Evidently these guys did. I agree with a lot of what they're trying to say but the documentary just bored me to tears. Watch Affluenza instead. It's a much better presented argument. The folks on IMDB disagree and seemed to love this one. Well, you might feel different too. Who knows.
Library: Bandon & Coos Bay
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0379225/
Amazon: The Corporation
Just like the previous film, the topics Noam Chomsky presents may indeed be powerful concepts, but listening to him speak ain't for the mildly interested. I found it rambling and dull.
Library: Bandon & Coos Bay
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0361959/
Amazon: Noam Chomsky - Distorted Morality: America's War on Terror?
Huge fan of Bob Dylan? You'll love this. Though I think he's alright, I found the documentary made him out to be a jerk. Or maybe he is one, I dunno. It shows him touring London in the 60's and all the inane questions reporters ask. Coupled with over zealous fans, band controversy over disrupting hotels and other "star" life scenes.
Library: DVD; Bandon. VHS; Coos Bay.
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0061589/
Amazon: Bob Dylan - Don't Look Back (1965 Tour Deluxe Edition)
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