This futuristic romantic dramedy looks stunning with its space vistas and modern mega cities. Bruce Willis stars as a former military cab driving maniac who's enlisted to save the world. A pretty girl falls into his cab and he falls for her doe eyed good looks.
I read somewhere that director/writer Luc Besson based much of this film around clothing direct from exotic fashion runways. Milla Jovovich barely fits into her bandage dress and looks cute in a white tee as she fights off the bad guys. Chris Tucker prances around in what can only be described as future drag. Even the giant alien's are decked out. You'll just have to see them to understand.
Gary Oldman gave an outstanding performance as the evil Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg. He's an evil genius selling arms to bad guys and conspiring with a giant ball of darkness to destroy Earth.
Most of the plot runs the serious rout, but some funny scenes cracked me up. There's a couple of really bad acting jobs, but they don't ruin anything. I don't quite know why Luke Perry is even in this. His scene set up the rest of the film, but they could have just used the other people in it.
Only one DVD down in Bandon, but many VHS copies in Bandon, Coquille, Coos Bay, Dora and North Bend.
Buy this gem from Amazon: The Fifth Element
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