An upper class lady begins visiting a woman in prison and finds herself drawn into the girl's life. Set in the 19th century where the lesbianism would not be accepted, the main character seems to have more of a forgiving heart than most.
She tries to sort out if the girl has real mystic powers and examines her life carefully. We're not even sure. She seems to know things she can't possibly know.
We see that the lesbian romance isn't the well to do lady's first. Though her first girlfriend married a man and left her grieving.
I vacillated between putting this in the watchable category. I decided to bump it up when I realized that it did hold my interest throughout. If Dickens were permitted to write about such things, he could have written from this point of view. It's his kind of dreary. Look for Amanda Plummer as one of the prison guards.
Pick up a copy of this one from Bandon Library.
Buy the DVD from Amazon: Affinity
I was dissappointed with Affinity. Considering it was by the same author as Fingersmith also a lesbian interest period drama, Affinity just didn't deliver. I also watched it to the end but that was because I was waiting for somethhing useful to happen
I do see your point and I like your site. For as many films as I watch with as much diversity of content, this just held a cut above most of the Soso content. I liked the bit about the flower in the cell, for instance. It's rare something so simple stays with me about a film I watched weeks ago.
Oh, and based on your recommend I put a hold on Fingersmith. Gotta love the double entendre there!
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