James Garner stars as a scout who works for the calvary in Indian territory. He finds a woman held hostage trying to escape her Indian captures. He managed to get her free and take her back to her husband, but she wants to go back. We're not sure why until we find out she has a child with the Indians.
It's quite a complicated story exploring race relations among white and Native American tribes. It's quite progressive for 1966. Toss in Sidney Poitier as a horse trainer who ends up helping Garner and you have a very intriguing set of concepts.
Garner finds out a white man murdered his Indian wife and took her scalp. He agrees to help move supplies from one fort to the next because he's told the perpetrator of his wife's murder may be in the next settlement. The caravan gets ambushed and they have to fight it out in the desert heat.
Check out the DVD from Bandon. Fur such an old film, I'm surprised there's no VHS copy.
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060355/
Buy this really interesting DVD from Amazon: Duel at Diablo
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