To my mind, this film finally convinced me that George Clooney could act. Based on Homer's epic poem the Odyssey, directors Joel Coen and his brother Ethan Coen, send us on a wild tale set in the depression era.
In order to prevent his wife from marrying someone else Clooney's character Everett convinces his buddies in the chain gang that he has a big score. They escape together and wander about the countryside, Everett looking for his ex and the other boys hoping to make big bucks.
To make a little spending cash, they record a song for a radio station and it becomes a huge hit. They were wet when they wandered into the studio so they called themselves the Soggy Bottom Boys.
The melodic tunes throughout helped drive the action to many a mini climax. Sirens sing the boys to sleep, leaving one to believe his friend has turned into a frog. Everett's daughters sing on stage, helping him find the ex Mrs, played astutely by Holly Hunter.
Look for outstanding performances by John Goodman, John Turturro, and
Tim Blake Nelson. I don't remember his name, but watch for the kid who helps the boys escape from one of their cousins. He steals every scene he's in. He wants to R U N N O F T with them as they leave. Sadly, they tell him he has to stay with his pappy. I wanted to see more of the kid.
Multiple copies of the DVD at these libraries: Bandon, Coos Bay and North Bend. VHS copies at: Coos Bay, Coquille, Dora, Myrtle Point and Powers. Also look in Coos Bay and Bandon for a VHS and CD titled Down from the Mountain featuring artists and music from the film.
Buy the DVDs and CDs from Amazon: O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Down from the Mountain (The "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" Concert)
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Down From the Mountain: Live Concert Performances by the Artists & Musicians of O Brother, Where Art Thou?
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