I've never heard of Bruce Bennett, but he stars as Boone. He leads a group of settlers across Indian territory to a fort. A French rabble rouser incites the locals into thinking Boone and his group are there to slaughter them.
I think they could have done a way better job explaining what was going on because I got lost. I knew Indians fought back, it just seemed vague why. I prefer more realistic history to films like this.
Library: DVD in Coquille, VHS in Myrtle Point
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Daniel Boone, Trail Blazer
You'd think Orson Welles would class up the film, but alas, it didn't happen. He plays paranoid King Saul who gets deposed by honorable David. Our hero goes off to certain death to fight the giant. Much to the surprise of all, David defeats Goliath and the king's men start to look to him for leadership.
I guess the time the studio filmed this, they were going through a faith phase. Taking stories from the Bible and playing them out on screen. I am not sure why they didn't put some more effort into making a plot to hold an audience's interest. It fell terribly short of entertainment and or a labor of love of faith.
Library: Bandon, Coquille, North Bend
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David & Goliath
Billed as a sequel to The Robe this film takes off where that one came to an end. Demetrius strives to hide the robe Jesus wore from the Romans. He's captured and trained to fight in the arena.
First he's placed with tigers, then he's expected to fight other gladiators. He refuses until gladiators abuse and appear to kill his lady friend. He abandons God and takes up with the wife of Claudius.
The fighting may entertain for a few minutes but the plot twists and turns tend to make my mind swim. Also the "dramatic" thrashing about acting style leaves a lot to be desired. Ain't no such thing as subtle in 1954 I guess.
Library:DVD in Bandon, VHS in Dora
Buy the DVD from Amazon:
Demetrius and the Gladiators
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