Diablo Cody won an Oscar for writing this witty film about a quirky teenager who ends up pregnant. Ellen Page plays Juno. She decides to give the baby up for adoption to a rather repressed couple. Well, at least the adoptive mother doesn't seem to lead an exciting life.
Juno visits the adoptive father, Jason Bateman, while his wife, Jennifer Garner, is at work and they find they both like bad horror films. He also plays guitar, reads comic books and acts a bit like a juvenile himself.
We see a lot of the life of a pregnant teen and her relationship with her dad and step-mom. I got my first impression of this girl's kitschy life when she drank a whole bottle of Sunny Delight to have enough pee for her third pregnancy test. She has a a hamburger phone, her step-mom obsesses over dogs and her conversation with her best girlfriend needed a teen-speak decoder.
I luaghed so hard. My husband looked over at me and asked me if I needed help. Dora, SWOCC, Coss Bay, Myrtle Point, Bandon, Powers and North Bend all have copies of this odd little gem.
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