These films are Dogs to make up for last week. Later I'll write the soso post.
Internet Movie Data Base calls this a B movie and I so agree. The plot, if you can call it one, involves archaeologists and some bad guys going into the jungle to study some ruins. Apparently this is in the Florida everglades but I didn't catch that when I watched it. The baddies are looking for the fountain of youth.
Teenage boys might like this film for frontal female nudity, but nothing about it held my interest. The creatures they run into look so stupid as to make it laughable.
Library: Bandon
Amazon: Deadly Species
A few months back I reviewed a film called "The Cave" with a very similar theme. This film has cave creatures who can't see but have outstanding hearing and the humans who find them speculate they "evolved" and come out at night to hunt.
All in all it just follows the typical boring horror film boiler plate. Many dead, one left to tell the story. Yawn. Maybe it could be interesting had they really examined how a group of women started going on adventures together. No, they missed that opportunity. Shame on them.
Library: Bandon
Amazon:The Descent (Unrated Widescreen Edition)
I'm so not a horror fan so little of this film appealed. The logic of a virus that makes dead people walk and want to infect others just doesn't begin to work for me.
A group of non infected people barricades themselves inside a mall until they hear about an island that's "safe." They make plans to get to this island and again with the high body count of who really cares everyone is gonna die anyway.
Library: Bandon
Amazon: Dawn of the Dead (Widescreen Unrated Director's Cut)
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