Kirsten Dunst stars as a troubled girl brought to a small island off Nova Scotia. She befriends an older grouch of a lady and finds out about a lingering village curse. I found it dreary and pointless and too hopeless for my taste. Good acting saved it from the dog pile.
Library: Bandon
Amazon: Deeply
Though he wants to get out of the game, contract killer Antonio Banderas comes into a small town for one last deal before he retires. He's out to kill the local badass, but first he hooks up with Salma Hayek. Turns out the guy he's after is his long estranged brother.
I suppose if you like shootemups without much of a plot, you'll love this. Not my cup. Robert Rodriguez wrote and directed this, if you like him, you'll like this.
Library: DVD; Bandon & Myrtle Point. VHS; North Bend & Dora.
Amazon: Desperado (Special Edition)
A British man sells secrets to the Soviet Union back in the cold war days. We didn't really ever get an idea of what this guy was up to. He was just a traitor for no apparent reason. He tried to get his wife to move to Russia with him, but she didn't appreciate the depressing lifestyle.
Library: Bandon
Amazon: A Different Loyalty
The true story of John Dillinger reminds me of any other criminal mob tale. People will use you until they don't need you then they'll turn you in or kill you. No honor among thieves. I can't believe how stupid these people are. Ah well. If you're interested in his story, check out this 1945 black and white film.
Library: Bandon
Amazon: Dillinger
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