A disturbed school girl becomes fixated on her teacher and goes after him. She kills off her grandmother and anyone who gets in her way. Rose McGowan leads. A whole lot like The Crush with Alicia Silverstone only more lame.
Library: Bandon & Coos Bay.
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0143213/
Amazon: Devil in the Flesh
Hhaha I look at the IMDB rating as I'm posting and this is the first time I'm matched virtually exactly with them. A tattooed militia group gets it in their head a NASA satellite system is intended to track them so they take it over and try and blow it up. I wish it were more complicated but there it is. This film does everything badly, The plot doesn't make sense, they coulda used chimps for actors (and woulda worked better), and the car chases are stupid.
Library: Bandon & Coos Bay.
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0218155/
Amazon: Diamondbacks
This violent futuristic ghetto war flick comes off like Escape from New York only no Snake Plissken to charm his way around. Maybe these guys are supposed to be sexy, but they're not my type.
There's a bomb plot to rid the whole district of the bad guys imprisoned there. A military commando gets sent in to find out about the bomb and helps rescue a guy and his sister. Too much going on without much explanation. The dubbing leaves a lot to be desired too.
Library: Bandon
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0414852/
Amazon: District B13
Cuba Gooding Jr. stars as a corrupt bought and paid for cop who along with his partner ends up in trouble. The flashing around doesn't work for me in this. I'd like a story to coordinate and work showing me events. This plays all kinds of tricks that are revealed at the end.
I'm cool with surprises, I just want them to reveal something interesting of the character. Some inner working I didn't see. Being a bad cop and part of a mafia just doesn't seem rational to me. You always lose.
Library: Bandon.
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0439544/
Amazon: Dirty (2005)
Though I might like a kick ass chick bounty hunter in theory, the execution came off very poor. So poor in fact I just turned it off rather than watch. I didn't even fast forward so I have no idea of what really happened. What I did see was told in flash back. Lotta that going around it seems.
It has Keira Knightley and Mickey Rourke. According to IMDB it's a true story. OK, so.. it's a badly done true story. Avoid.
Library: Baondon.
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0421054/
Amazon: Domino (Widescreen New Line Platinum Series)
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