Friday, March 6, 2009

Movie Review: Donnie Darko

This has a similar theme to The Butterfly Effect I reviewed a couple weeks ago. We're told a strange story of events that our lead tries to control, but I guess the universe just doesn't want to be controlled. It's an unreal world where Donnie finds himself manipulated by a character dressed in a rabbit costume.

The haunting melody of Mad World as sung by Michael Andrews runs throughout the film. I'm sure the song pushed up my enjoyment by quite a bit. The lyric " I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad, that the dreams in which I'm dying, are the best I've ever had," evokes the darkness within the plot.

Can one do right by doing wrong? Quite a question to ask on film.

Library: North Bend.


Amazon: Donnie Darko - The Director's Cut (Two-Disc Special Edition)

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