I can't believe I actually saw this in a theater way back when. They try and make light of the serious topic of the possible Japanese attack brought to the mainland after Pearl Harbor.
I'm not really much of a fan of John Belushi and frankly I think Dan Aykroyd became much better after the two of them parted. Director Steven Spielberg lost a bit of respect for this one. Thankfully he gained it back with others.
Library: Bandon, Coos Bay, Myrtle Point & North Bend.
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078723/
Amazon: 1941 (Collector's Edition)
This convoluted story of murder and mayhem in the course of an evening left me cold. It tells a series of events around the time of night. For the most part it's just flat out stupid, involving blackmail, bodies dumped on unsuspecting drivers and all manner of what the heck is going on events. They do tie it up but by that time I've lost interest. Avoid.
Library: Bandon
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0331811/
Amazon: 11:14
Sean Penn takes a lot of risks as an actor. I admire him for that, but I think this one failed to pan out. I don't think the plot device of out of order scenes and flashing forward and back worked for this film.
Characters come together in strange and odd ways. There's a lot of cheating the system and violence from people you may not expect to be violent. I just think it's trying to be spiritual. I believe in people and if they try and change sincerely, I want to see them make it. I don't want so much gritty reality in my movie going experience.
Library: Bandon, Coos Bay, Coquille & North Bend.
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0315733/
Amazon: 21 Grams
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