Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas play a fluff news reporter and camera man who stumble upon a problem with a nuclear power plant. Jack Lemmon gives an outstanding performance of the somewhat crazed plant supervisor.
This shows how badly things can go wrong when the fox of industry guards its own hen house. Fonda's character wants a chance at a real news story and she finds herself inside the control room when a dangerous accident happens.
Sure the point was to scare people, but I think the real lesson shows how dangerous it is when companies prevent outside independent inspections.
Find the VHS in North Bend and DVD copies in both Bandon and Myrtle Point.
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The China Syndrome (Special Edition)
Cary Grant swoon! Audrey Hepburn ahhhh! A perfect combo for this thriller set in Paris. Hepburn's murdered husband leaves behind a great mystery and a target on his wife's back. Grant swwps in to protect/chase her along with a handful of other men.
This band of cutthroaats include Walter Matthau and James Coburn. See if you can figure it out as the clues go every which way. Get out the popcorn and have a bowl for me.
Check out a couple VHS copies from Powers, Coquille, Lakeside and Coos Bay. The DVD is in North Bend.
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I loved Sissy Spacek amazing performance as Loretta Lynn and Tommy Lee Jones positively charms as Lynn's philandering husband. But they love each other and work it out.
This film tells the true story of the country singer's upbringing, motherhood and career rise. Exploring how she gets addicted to drugs and finds her way out of it.
I enjoy when a story shows all aspects of fame and fortune. Plus the hopeful nature of seeing an imperfect person living an imperfect life rise to a great height. I see it as a hopeful sign that anyone can make it in this world.
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Coal Miner's Daughter - 25th Anniversary Edition
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