Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Soso Review: Fireproof

The poor acting and convoluted plot would have pushed this into a dog category but one concept saved it. It's called the love dare.

A husband and wife live together inside separate angry lives. He yells and her and she at him. He's a firefighter and risks his life daily and cannot understand why his wife doesn't just bow at his feet.

Feeling desperate he decides to go and talk to his father about it. His father tells him how he saved his marriage with this thing called the love dare. The 40 day program urges you to do daily steps to take care of your relationship. Most of them are faith based and even though things like that may turn some people off, I liked the idea.

Finding a way to be kind to your spouse is an extremely laudable goal. There seemed to be a backstory with this character's mother that I would have enjoyed knowing. I also wanted to know how he and his wife got so far off the rails. They had no memory of what got them together in the first place.

I'd like to have heard more about the steps but the ones I did hear seemed pretty good and could be applied in a secular manner. Like do acts of kindness expecting nothing in return. Give up relationship destroying patterns like looking for affection from people outside your marriage. Instead of praying for your spouse, you could just wish them peace and happiness. Though faith wasn't the flaw for this film. Pray if you like.

Look in Coos Bay, Dora, Myrtle Point, North Bend and Powers for the DVD.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1129423/

Look for additional info on Amazon: Fireproof

Monday, June 29, 2009

Gem Review: The Emperor's New Clothes

In a plot to restore Napoleon Bonaparte to his thrown, a replacement is secretly brought in to fool the Brits keeping him prisoner. Then Napoleon serves aboard a merchant ship that's supposed to sail to France where someone will meet him.

Alas, the captain decides to sail to a more profitable destination and no one meets the emperor. He finds his way into Paris but the man who might help him recapture his place have all grown old and died. One of them so recent as to be fresh in his coffin.

The man's widow lets Napoleon stay the night as he introduces himself as the identity of the man who replaced him. The conspirators hoped that the impostor would wait until the real emperor could rally people, then he'd announce he's not the man. But he started to enjoy the lavish lifestyle and soon refused to tell his captures of the emperor's escape.

The real Napoleon helps the window manage her business and they become lovers. He tries to make contact with some other men who fought with him at Waterloo, but he can't find anyone reliable.

His replacement writes a book filled with lies of his exploits. He becomes enraged and goes into a shop and gets a uniform for himself and starts to claim his place. His new lady thinks he's gone insane and asks a doctor friend to consider putting him in an asylum. While there, he realizes that no one is going to believe him so he climbs the walls and goes back to his woman.

He decides he's better off just living this simple life than trying to recapture his once glorious life.

The subtle charms of Ian Holm's emperor will make you believe this story. You'll start to wonder if it could be true. You'll also fall in love with the sweet woman with a kind heart.

Pop down to Bandon or place a hold on this delightful film.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0282768/

Buy this DVD from Amazon: The Emperor's New Clothes

PS I bumped this up to a gem after I started out as a good. It grew on me more as I savored the memory of watching it.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some Thoughts

I decided to let today's review shine. I can't decide among the dogs I got on my list.

I was thinking about the library and its site. There's a steering committee that seems to have disappeared from use. No one monitors it and I'm the last post back from April. But there it sits, prominently on the front page of the library site.

I realize I'm narrowly focussed on the DVDs but the whole system has so many interesting things going on. I've wanted to read a book and they did or did not have it so I would request it. Found out the other day you can "hold" magazines. Just the old stuff, but that's pretty cool.

I'm still trying to get them to fix the Ed Wood Box Set. So someone can place a hold on any of the films in the collection. I'd also like them to allow patrons to hold older DVDs only in Coos Bay and North Bend. I mean a working person in Dora might like to see Children of a Lesser God, but as it stands, it's only in Coos Bay. I suppose it would make more work, they'd have to have two categories. One for new DVDs one for old.

I have an idea for doing flyers and permission to put them up in Coos Bay. Though I should check again. We got a new printer so I have a good chance to actually get it done.

OKAY, enough for now. Party on. If you have any questions about the library, I can try and find answers. Leave a comment.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Edgy Wilderness Watchables

Four friends take a river trip down a wilderness about to be dammed up and flooded. They wish to view the scenery before it's lost forever. Their adventure takes a terrible turn and they run afoul of some back woods folk. It's not a film for children AT ALL.

They have to fight for their survival to escape the abusive mountain men. A pleasant male bonding trip turns into life threating struggles with both nature and humans. Look for outstanding performances from Jon Voight, Burt Reynolds, Ned Beatty and Ronny Cox.

Do not see this film before a river trip. A long time ago a boss of mine took us all on a retreat of river rafting. On the bus ride out, he picked this as something we'd enjoy watching. Cruel!

Library: DVD; Coquille. VHS; North Bend.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068473/

Amazon: Deliverance (Deluxe Edition)

A rich man takes some buddies into the wilderness to test his connection to the wild. It's clear everyone has a money agenda around this guy. Anthony Hopkins plays the quirky billionaire and Alec Baldwin smarms as his "friend" who is sneaking off with Hopkins wife.

A group goes off in a helicopter to view some scenery and something goes terribly wrong and they crash. Hopkins and Baldwin survive and fight for dominance leading the group to safety.

The scenery truly makes this film worthwhile. It's beautiful and foreboding. It seems the filmmakers were trying to teach the lesson that rich men have no friends. I didn't quite buy into it. I think there are plenty of people who value things beyond money. THIS rich guy just didn't know how to cultivate that.

Library: DVD; Bandon, Myrtle Point & North Bend. VHS; Coquille, Dora & Lakeside.


Amazon: The Edge (Widescreen Edition)

Long haired hippy drug dealers Billy and Wyatt, Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda, set out on a motorcycle road trip to see the country. This film attempts to explore the counter culture of the late 60s.

They experience commune life, prejudice and kindness all mashed together in a drug filled hazy attempt at challenging the "establishment." Some of the best commentary comes from Jack Nicholson's character George Hanson. He takes up with the traveling boys after they're tossed in jail for being vagrants.

He helps them get a release with their hair intact and they travel on to another town he has no status in. They're driven out of a diner and rejected from motels and at a camp out George expresses that people are afraid of their sense of freedom. He says the establishment can turn dangerous if you challenge them.

True to the foreshadowing words, someone sneaks into their camp as they sleep and beats George to death. The other two barely escape with their lives.

I found this a really interesting if convoluted film. Well worth a watch, but be aware, lots of drug use and sexcapades go on. It's for grown ups for sure. You'd think with all the reputation for drug use in the real life of these filmmakers, the story and filming would be a lot more erratic, but no, Dennis Hopper directed an enlightening film.

Library: DVD; Coos Bay, Coquille & Myrtle Point. VHS; Coos Bay.


Amazon: Easy Rider

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Soso Documentaries

Intriguing. People on IMDB loved this film. It's alright. I just felt it didn't really show enough and it's old data. Try and find something newer that documents the space shuttle program on film. Maybe I'm just too jaded.

Look at the Amazon collection of DVDs on space though. That might be a way to go. I know many are at the library.

Library: Myrtle Point.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089050/

Amazon: The Dream Is Alive (IMAX)
The IMAX Space Collection (Hail Columbia/The Dream Is Alive/Blue Planet/Destiny in Space/Mission to Mir)

Echoes of the Blue & Gray Volumes I & II

This documents a bunch of Civil War soldiers on film along with discussions of their life. I'm no war buff, but I found this rather dull. Try Ken Burns on "The Civil War". That has tons more interesting information and organized and presented better.

Library: Bandon.

IMDB: No Information

Amazon: No Information

Eisenhower on D-Day

Again, I'm no war buff and I would have liked to know a lot more details of Ike's life, interests and personality. Though do watch the special features instead of the main film. They run through the information better. It's done by the History Channel.

I'm pretty sure Gerald McRaney did the narration but I can't find anything on it on his IMDB list.

Library: Bandon.

IMDB: No Information

Amazon: America's Greatest Victories: Eisenhower on D-Day Dvd! History Channel

Joe Esposito tells all about the king's life from the time he met him to his death in 1977. I'm sure a real fan would find all the behind the scenes life history quite interesting. For me, it just went on long and didn't give me anything that really intrigued or enlightened me.

Library: Bandon.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0327680/

Amazon: Elvis - His Best Friend Remembers

Monday, June 22, 2009

Good Review: Enchanted.

I'm a happy person. I like stories that inspire and tickle my senses. I don't see the world as a scary foreboding place. Some say that *I* live in fantasy land, but I think life is just what you decide it is.

Amy Adams plays an animated fairy princess who finds her prince then his evil queen step mom tosses her into reality. Life goes pretty well for her and she keeps some of her fairy powers, but has to deal with the realities of dodging cars and having no place to stay.

Enter reality prince. Patrick Dempsey has a little girl and a girlfriend he likes and he happens upon our damsel in distress trying to knock on the door of a billboard castle. He brings her to his New York apartment and she ends up charming her way into staying the night.

In the morning she sings to all her woodland creature friends (rats, pigeons and roaches) and they show up to help her clean the apartment. Then she makes a dress for herself out of curtains. It's priceless seeing the pattern holes in the draperies.

Finally her prince shows up into reality. Her chipmunk friend, Pip, told him she fell down there. When Pip joins the prince he can no longer talk. When the evil step queen's assistant shows up he can't get through to the prince.

I enjoy how fantasy bleeds into reality. I didn't think Adams quite pulled off the singing and dancing role with as much style as someone else might have. And none of the songs stuck in my head.

The end sequence looked neat but kinda brought me out of the exuberance of the film. Susan Sarandon materializes into reality as the evil step queen who turns herself into a giant dragon.

You'll find this good film suitable for the whole family. Girls, young and old, will apprecaite it more than men. Look in Bandon, Coos Bay, Coquille and Myrtle Point for the DVD.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0461770/

Amazon: Enchanted (Widescreen Edition)

I'm posting this without an edit, so if you see a flaw leave a comment and I'll fix it.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Gem Review: Eagles: Hell Freezes Over

This band sung the background to my teens so they're a huge favorite of mine. I still have Don Henley in my head while he sings about forgiveness. Each bandmate sang new and old tunes, sharing the spotlight.

I chose not to watch all the special features because I didn't really like seeing the little bit at the start of the concert. I felt it detracted from the music and didn't quite explain the title and such. Nonetheless, I still loved it.

I liked that they played from their rock AND country roots. Take it Easy is one of my favorite all time songs. Of course they started with the beautiful poetry and melodic sounds of Hotel California.

Look in Bandon for both the music cd and DVD of this concert.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0123815/

Buy the DVD from Amazon: The Eagles - Hell Freezes Over

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ed Wood Box Set

All these came from the Ed Wood Box Set found in Bandon and North Bend. If you want to put a hold on them, you'll have to have a clerk do it for you. They're all TERRIBLE films, but it's interesting to see Bela Lugosi in his later years. From some of his early films that I reviewed a few weeks ago, it wasn't that much of a stretch to see him in an Ed Wood production. He's no Barrymore. He might have been able to hold his own with a decent script or director. Hollywood abandoned him.

A crooked conman tries to bilk rich people with fake ghosties of their dear departed, but it turns out he truly did raise the dead. Sadly, my plot summery makes it sound interesting, but it's so not.

A police detective comes by to investigate mysterious goings on and pokes around the haunted old house. he meets the new owner, Dr Acula, (groan) who invites him to a seance. The cop discovers secret doors within the meeting room and goes exploring.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0156843/

Amazon: See Below

This almost might be in a different category because it WAS somewhat interesting hearing the story of Ed Wood from the people involved, but I think they could have done a better job with the material. They could have asked different more probing questions and found out more about why Lugosi's son thought so little of Wood.

I'm glad to know that some people tried to encourage Wood to try more to make a better picture. It's clear he lived in his own world and followed his own impatient plan. He didn't have the talent he thought he did, but he was quite an interesting guy.

IMDB says that this film gives the reasons a film like Plan 9 from Outer Space could be made. I don't agree. I think it gives insight into Wood, but not really how and why he was the way he was.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113270/

Amazon: See Below

I didn't think there could be a rating below dog. There was absolutely no reason to have Bela Lugosi in this film. My only guess is Wood thought he was super cool.

The topic of transvestitism might make an interesting film, but not in the hands of Ed Wood. Two different men are exemplified in the film, one who we only see bits and pieces of through flashback, the other, is Edward D. Wood Jr. himself as the title Glen/Glenda.

We see a psychiatrist speak to a police detective about the behavior of men dressing as women. I'm sure much of the conversation reflects the moral outrage of the time, but some of the conclusions are a little naive. I think it was even worse than Plan 9.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0045826/

Yet another film in search of a plot. The title didn't fit the story. The "bride" and the "monster" didn't relate at all. Bela Lugosi at least had a character to play that made sense, sort of.

A scientist guy tries to make atomic super men and he's tried and failed with several so far. He feeds his failures to a giant squid. A girl newspaper reporter happens upon the goings on and gets herself mesmerized by Lugosi's character. Because everyone knows they teach scientists to mesmerize women their first year. (eyeroll)

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0047898/

Look for this Box Set on Amazon: The Ed Wood Box (Glen or Glenda / Jail Bait / Bride of the Monster / Plan 9 from Outer Space / Night of the Ghouls / The Haunted World of Ed Wood)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday Watch List

I heard someone say how much they loved this film so I was kind of excited to see it. It wasn't what I expected. It reminded me of a one woman's Waiting to Exhale. Only she finds herself and forgives her ex husband for his misdeeds.

A philandering husband literally puts his wife out of her own house as he brings the new woman in. Devastated she returns to her hmm, I'm thinking grandmother Madea's home.

Though she's bitter and man hating, a gentle man comes into her life to help her through her strife, but she leaves him to exact revenge on her ex. After she's busted the cheater around a bit, she comes to her senses and forgives him. This frees her up to find real love.

This Tyler Perry flick shows him in drag, which is quite funny. I think he does a better woman than Eddie Murphy. Look for Shemar Moore who currently plays a detective on "Criminal Minds".

Library: Powers

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0422093/

Amazon: Tyler Perry's Diary of a Mad Black Woman The Movie (2-Disc Special Edition)

Driving Lessons

Rupert Grint stars as a put upon child of a psycho Christian hypocrite of a mom and long suffering dad. He starts working for a quirky once beloved old actress who cons him into traveling all the way to Scotland to give a talk.

Julie Walters plays the heck out of the actress. She and Grint form a sweet bond where they start to grow up, just a little, together.

Library: Bandon & Dora.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0446687/

Amazon: Driving Lessons

Though films couldn't get any more far fetched, I still found it amusing and plenty of popcorn time watching Whoopi Goldberg and Frank Langella. Superfan Eddie gets tapped to coach the New York Knicks basketball team by out of town owner Wild Bill Burgess.

The team starts winning and more important to the owner, filling the seats. Though I could do without all the extraneous stuff that kinda went no where, I found this kind of Cinderella aspect charming. You don't have to even like basketball to laugh at this silliness.

Library: Bandon

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116168/

Amazon: Eddie

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Soso Tuesday

A thieving monkey, and his human helper of course, check into a posh hotel to steal from the other guests. The manager's kids catch on and befriend the monkey.

Jason Alexander stars as the harried under appreciated manager. His and everyone's acting might appeal to a 5-year-old, but left me rolling my eyes. I don't mind "kiddie" flicks, but it's nice if they're funny or charming. This just went on and on.

Think Home Alone searches for a plot. See that instead.

Library: DVD; Bandon & Myrtle Point. VHS; Lakeside.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116151/

Amazon: Dunston Checks In

Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller square off over international dodgeball. Yeah, I know, this is supposed to be funny, but I've seen these guys do better. Not really a fan of physical comedy anyway. Maybe adolescent boys and men who haven't grown past that would laugh.

Zoolander and Mystery Men do way better for Stiller. Grab those. They've got physical humor and something for the brainier among us.

Library: North Bend & Myrtle Point

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364725/

Amazon: Dodgeball - A True Underdog Story (Unrated Edition)

Kirsten Dunst stars as the poor trailer park girl with stars in her eyes. she dreams big about competing in a pageant, but one of her rivals tries to kill her. Another girl ends up dead but the show must go on. Killer beauty queen Becky, Denise Richards and her former runway queen mother, Kirstie Alley, take self absorbed to a whole new level.

There are some amusing side plots that almost pushed this to another category and the climax to the story makes for a morbid yet satisfying near ending. I kinda felt a little let down by the actual ending. It was ok, but it got way overshadowed by the previous event. If you choose to watch this film, send a comment and let me know your thoughts about the ending.

Library: DVD; Bandon & Coos Bay. VHS; Lakeside.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0157503/

Amazon: Drop Dead Gorgeous

Monday, June 15, 2009

Gem Review: Casablanca

It amazes me how well this film still holds up nearly 70 years later. Humphrey Bogart stars as the rogue with the heart of gold. Opposite him we're charmed by Ingrid Bergman's gentle feminine nature.

She's trying to help her long lost Czech underground husband, Victor Laszlo, escape the Nazis when they happen into her former lover's North African bar. She tries to encourage her former lover to provide them with travel papers, but he's bitterly holding on to them.

Bogart's character, Rick Blaine, came upon the papers when one of his regulars, Ugarte, entrusts them to him just before he's arrested for killing the couriers who carried them. Weasel Captain Renault, the Chief of Police, informs Rick that the Gestapo want European Resistance leader Laszlo kept in Casablanca.

This film often tops lists of best ever made. It deserves every accolade. It won the Oscar for best picture for 1942. Rush out to Coos Bay or North Bend to grab a copy of this fine DVD. Look in Bandon, Coos Bay, Coquille, Myrtle Point and Powers for the VHS tape.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0034583/

Buy this outstanding DVD from Amazon: Casablanca (Two-Disc Special Edition)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Gem Review: 1000 Journals

What an amazing ambitious thought experiment. "Someguy," always found himself fascinated with the anonymous nature of messages and drawings scrawled on bathroom walls. So he got the idea of creating a place where people could put something down.

He bought 1000 journals and send them out into the world a few at a time. He asked people to do art, say a few words and then pass it along to someone else.He left contact information and created a website where people could upload images and or send the entire journal back to him to scan. Visit the site at: The 1000 Journal Project.

Director Andrea Kreuzhage found people who made entries, passed it around to their friends and generally became totally jazzed about the idea. One man dedicated several pages to the people next in line to get book. One woman saw only hurtful intentions in his efforts. I felt sad for her wound. Art on the edge is bound to offend.

I like artsy, creative types who want to try to connect to people around the world. The director showed how such a project could go terribly right and wrong at the same time. Only a small fraction of the journals returned. Some saved only by being copied before sent back out on another world tour.

Let your creative juices flow and watch this great documentary. Bandon has the only copy of this DVD. I'll put in a request for the library to get the book as well.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1104678/

Learn more at Amazon: 1000 Journals

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Unwatchable Dog DVDs

An HBO movie I could not watch it was soooooo boring. Here's what the box said: A realistic drama that takes the viewer inside an American high school on one single, ordinary day that very rapidly turns tragic. It observes the comings and goings of its characters from a safe distance. The experiences of each student range from friendly and innocent to traumatic and deeply disturbing.

Library: Bandon

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0363589/

Amazon: Elephant: A Film By Gus Van Sant

This apparently features a couple of short films about some hooligan kids filmed in the 40s. I didn't find the acting or plot held my interest and the film quality detracted from me continuing to watch. Imagine Little Rascals all grown up and not funny.

Library: Powers

IMDB: See Title for name and IMDB connection.

Amazon: East Side Kids: That Gang of Mine
East Side Kids: Clancy Street Boys

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Movie Review: Dirty Dancing, Havana Nights

I thought this might just be a cheesy sequel but it's quite good. An American girl goes to Cuba with her family and feels quite out of place. Her auto executive father sets them up in a homestead surrounded by other Americans, but the girl finds herself intrigued by the locals.

She meets a Cuban young man who teaches her to dance to his Latin rhythms. Of course they fall in love. We catch a glimpse of Johnny Castle, but they don't identify him as the character from the original Dirty Dancing.

It's just a taste of politics and freedom fighting during the revolution. Honestly, it really doesn't interfere with the dancing theme. It actually might have been nice to get a more detailed view, but ah well.

Look in Bandon, Lakeside and North Bend for this charming story.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0338096/

Buy the DVD from Amazon: Dirty Dancing - Havana Nights

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Soso Tuesday

A bar owning rabble rousing beach bun of a man, John Wayne, tries to clean up himself and the island he inhabits when the daughter of the local doctor comes by to visit. Her father "went native" with an island woman who died. He had two children by her.

The rather convoluted story left me somewhat puzzled. It's pretty to look at and cute in its way. I just don't see any reason to go out of your way to watch.

Library: DVD; Bandon & Myrtle Point. VHS; Bandon, Lakeside & North Bend.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0057007/

Amazon: Donovan's Reef

Dr. Weitzman, played by Dennis Boutsikaris gets the idea to take his patients from a sanitarium to a baseball game. These denizens of the mental ward end up on the street after their doctor stops to let one of them go to the bathroom. He stumbles upon a crime and gets injured.

Michael Keaton, Christopher Lloyd, Peter Boyle and Stephen Furst represent four different aspects of emotional illness. Each guy has his own set of quirks and stresses with each other. Ultimately they come together to save their doctor, but it's more about how much they each grow and learn to trust each other.

I expect more from these great actors. I didn't really find anything truly outstanding or insightful about the performances. They chose to show up for a paycheck and not really to do the best film they could. Hence the rating of Soso.

Library: DVD; Coquille. VHS; Coquille and Lakeside.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097235/

Amazon: The Dream Team

Martin Lawrence stars as an angry security guard who thinks he knows everything. While partnered with his nemesis, Steve Zahn, the hapless guards uncover a smuggling plot. Lotta running and jumping from these LAPD rejects as they try and thwart these bad guys.

Murry, my husband, liked it more than I did so maybe it's a guy thing. I would just not bother. The plot's alright but it just didn't hold my interest.

Library: Bandon, Coos Bay, Lakeside and North Bend.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0271668/

Amazon: National Security

Monday, June 8, 2009

Movie Review: Elephant Man

A doctor pays a freak show proprietor for the right to show severely disfigured man to his students. When the doctor, Anthony Hopkins, finds out the proprietor beats the disabled man, he takes him into the hospital to help him heal.

We found through the course of events, the man isn't mentally disabled, just trapped in a misshapened body. He quotes the bible and begins to read and the doctor helps him dress and care for himself. His docotr published a newspaper article on his efforts to help his friend and a local actress wishes to meet him.

We're struck by the change in circumstances, yet the disabled man still appears as a freak show specimen. Only now the class of gawkers rises to the level of high society.

Things go very wrong when a scoundrel inside the hospital invades the man's room with a bunch of ruffians from a local pub. Among them the former freak show proprietor who kidnaps his former charge. There's more but I don't want to spoil the ending.

Director David Lynch makes good use of black and white filmography creating the illusion that this film came from a long time ago. Though it is 30 years old, we had plenty of color back then. Certainly this floats right on the edge to being a gem. I found a few sections just a bit slow for my taste. Please feel free to leave a comment with your feelings. It certainly garnered lots of nominations and awards.

Well worth your time to watch. I hope you learn more about compassion for people different from ourselves. SWOCC has the DVD but look in Coos Bay and Powers for the VHS.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080678/

Buy this fine DVD from Amazon: The Elephant Man

Friday, June 5, 2009

Unreview Nite

I know I should write and post a nice gem right now, but this ain't gonna happen. I sure think it would be fun to get some other people involved in this blog. I did realize it will take 10 years to review them all at the pace I have. I'd like to cut that down to five.

My third anniversary is tomorrow. Normally I wouldn't bring this up except that we were married in the science fiction section of the Powers Library. We don't live in powers, we just picked a judge that had the right to marry people there. It was a spur of the moment thing.

We talked about doing it some time and I heard people malign the date of 6/6/06 with delaying the birth of children and the like. I wanted to capture the date as a positive memory. We started making plans.

The judge didn't want to bother the person who had the key to the courthouse so we went inside the library and got hitched. I had a bad cold, but I didn't care. We had a couple friends with us and since it was his first marriage ceremony, the judge's dad took pictures.

Yay Powers Library.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Movie Review: Emma

This Jane Austin tale of a young meddlesome aristocratic girl bugged me from start to finish. Gwyneth Paltrow stars and she looked pretty, not pretty enough to save the film.

Emma takes a girl of mysterious parentage under her wing and tries to match her up to men above her station. Failing many times, the girl, Toni Collette, finally makes a good match for herself. Emma too sorts out her love life, and though they foreshadowed it slightly, had they made it a more interesting romance, we might care that they get together.

the film had charming costuming and scenery. No dress and grassy walking paths could overshadow the slow annoying story. I nearly dozed off.

If you want to see a Gem of a period piece try Shakespeare in Love. Gwyneth Paltrow can act and will charm your socks off in that.

As for Emma, look in Bandon and North Bend for the DVD. Coos Bay, Coos Bay, Myrtle Point and Lakeside have the VHS tape. There's also one in Coquille, but it says it's in mending.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116191/

Buy this DVD from Amazon: Emma

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bela Lugosi Triple Feature

A young couple travels to Haiti to get married, but while on the boat the wife to be meets a man who wants her for himself. He contacts the local zombie merchant to help him turn her into his slave bride. Bela Lugosi hypnotizes the woman with his gaze.

Quite a silly story and plot, but considering the times, I suppose it has its charm. I see now what fascinated Ed Wood about the mystical acting abilities of Lugosi.

Find it on the Bela Lugosi Triple Feature DVD from Bandon and Myrtle Point and on a VHS tape in Bandon.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0023694/

Buy the DVD from Amazon: White Zombie

Wow I liked this one a little better but the folks on IMDB didn't. Ah well. Brides keep dying and then disappearing and the police can't figure out why. A nosy girl newspaper reporter figures out they are getting poisoned by a mysterious orchid and she tries to meet the doctor known to breed them.

We find out that the doctor, Bela Lugosi of course, took the women to develop a serum to make his wife beautiful. I liked the intrepid reporter girl and almost found the plot watchable.

Also, find this on the Bela Lugosi Triple Feature DVD from Bandon and Myrtle Point and on a double feature DVD in North Bend with The Invisible Ghost.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0034613/

Buy this DVD from Amazon: The Corpse Vanishes

Now this rather convoluted plot annoyed me. The director chose to do a flash in and out of a dead woman's body with her voice over. This clumsy camera action detracted from the possibility the story might get interesting.

A doctor and his son try and find a way to encourage the son's wife to leave, but she refuses. She lives in fear of some mysterious past. Bela Lugosi shows up as a long lost associate of the doctor and may have something to do with the woman, but we're uncertain of that issue.

It had some potential, but just went nowhere. I couldn't tell if they wanted to go campy or scary.

this is only on the Bela Lugosi Triple Feature DVD from Bandon and Myrtle Point.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0039800/

Buy this DVD from Amazon: Scared to Death

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Couple Watchable Documentaries.

Ever been curious about the life and times of the swashbuckling actor? Here's your chance. This documentary outlines his rise and fall. He lived a rather exciting life before finding his way into the theatrical profession.

We learn about his Don Juan ways and sailing adventures, plus his brush with being called a spy for the Nazis. He wanted to be called a great actor, but found himself type cast as action hero.

Super big fan of Errol Flynn? You'll love this. Look in Myrtle Point for the DVD.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0454769/

Look for this DVD from Amazon: Adventures of Errol Flynn

Amish teenagers experience and embrace the modern world as a rite-of-passage before deciding which life they will choose. This documentary explores how they live and how some make the choice.

It depicts a lot of drug use and carrying on among the boys and some sexual exploration among the girls. Seems sad to me to thrust these kids into a world they're ill prepared to handle and expect them to choose wisely.

Some call it an unbiased look, but I just wonder if it's truly this bad, why the police don't simply pick up these youths? What real choices do they have but to go back "home"? All they saw in this documentary was how tough and scary the modern world is.

It's interesting but I didn't develop any affection for the boys and just felt sad for the girls. Look in Bandon for the DVD.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0293088/

Buy the DVD from Amazon: Devil's Playground

Monday, June 1, 2009

Movie Review: Ellen DeGeneres, The Beginning

I saw this a couple weeks ago and so don't remember the jokes, just remember that it's an HBO comedy special it seems from before her talk show. Quite funny and a lot of material I hadn't seen before.

I know very short review. You'll have to find a way to cope.

Bandon has the only copy of this DVD.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0251070/

Buy the DVD from Amazon: Ellen Degeneres - The Beginning


So I didn't post for a week because we had to rush down to bury my husband's dad. What incredible foreshadowing in the last review posted. Sadly, we had no quirky roadtrip/memorial experiences. That is not to say it was a solemn event. We reminded each other of our memories of Frank with humor and relief that he no longer lives trapped in a body that didn't serve him well. He had Parkinson's disease.

If you care to learn more about the ravages of this disease look at:

I'll post a review later today.