Three of these are based on fact and the fourth, while fiction, just seemed to fit with the others. They're all on the cusp of being watchable, but just left something out that I need to find them entertaining. Your results may vary. ;)
The allies didn't know what to do with the Jewish refuges after they were liberated from concentration camps so the Jews took it upon themselves to commandeer a boat and set sale for Palestine. They called this expedition "Exodus" after Moses' freeing the slaves.
Despite my nickname, I'm not Jewish and though I did know of this story, I didn't know the details. I would prefer a documentary to this film for anyone trying to learn history. Sadly, the film does not stand on it's own.
Paul Newman stars as the leader manipulating the system and fighting for the re-establishment of Israel. I wish they'd kept their focus or at least explained better what was going on. First the group is on the boat and then they're within a settlement running from some radical Muslims who are trying to kill them.
Toss in an American woman trying to adopt a girl and we're quite confused. Is this about
Eva Marie Saint learning about Judaism, the refugee boat or the Jewish Muslim conflict. I can't tell. Interesting, but not enough to recommend.
Library: VHS; Bandon. DVD; Myrtle Point
Some may accuse me of being influenced by politics in my review of this film, but I do try and make my judgements based on what I see, rather than how I vote. I wanted to understand the story of what happened to John McCain in a Vietnam Prison Camp.
Perhaps the book included details that would make this film make sense, but I haven't read it. I can't figure out what faith of fathers had to do with any of it? War sucks and none of us wants to be captured and I get that seeing that reminds us to be very careful with how we treat people, I don't understand the relevance.
What do military academy flash backs have to do with torture? How does it relate to faith of fathers or anyone else for that matter? I'm sorry this happened to Mr. McCain. I cannot recommend seeing this film. The special features didn't even reveal anything interesting.
Library: Bandon.
Faith of My Fathers
Madonna stars as Argentine first lady
Eva Perón and sings her way through the whole film.
Antonio Banderas sings the narration. There's a lot going on here that may or may not have anything to do with the real person and her story.
Again, I don't know much about her real life and this musical didn't really enlighten me. I found the song story a bit annoying after a while. I prefer a musical with some speaking to it.
I wonder if Ms.
Perón would appreciate the legacy this version gives her. I wouldn't. They make her seem like a scheming whore and I am not at all sure that's fair. It comes off sexist to my eyes.
Library: VHS; Coos Bay, Lakeside & North Bend. DVD; Bandon.
I wonder what
Donald Sutherland has against the British. He keeps playing World War II German spies. This time he finds out about D-Day invasion plans and tries to get them to his buddies by escaping by boat. A sudden storm sets him aground on a lonely island inhabited by a couple, their boy and an old caretaker.
Spy guy romances the unhappy wife and still tries to get his information to the Germans while the Brits try and stop him. Lots of intrigue, but ultimately unfocused. Nothing about this film made it remarkable.
Library: Bandon & North Bend.
Eye of the Needle