A friend recommended this tearjerker and I thought I'd pick it up. Though you wont "love" this film it WILL make you think. Will Smith draws us in wondering what kind of an asshole he's playing. We see him badger a blind man, Woody Harrelson, for no good reason. Then he calls on a sick man running a nursing home.
As the story unfolds, it's clear there's some kind of memory of something gone terribly wrong with his life. Flash backs of a woman, wealth and workaholic aerospace entrepreneur show a vastly different more confident nicer human. Why would such a man turn into a jerk IRS agent.
When he starts investigating beautiful Rosario Dawson who needs a heart transplant, we start to get a creepy feeling this is going somewhere weird. They begin flirting and she shows him the intimacies of her business. One of her old printing machines needs repair and he sneaks in and fixes it while she's asleep.
What would you do for love? What would you do to appease your guilt? Though painful to watch, I found the story riveting.
Check this DVD out from Bandon, Coquille, Dora, Lakeside, Myrtle Point, North Bend, Powers and SWOCC. I guess Coos Bay needs to get a copy too.
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0814314/
Buy this DVD from Amazon: Seven Pounds
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