I knew most people who lose weight gain it back and I knew some of the details of this very interesting documentary before I sat down to watch. I even know a bit more than they talk about, but this gives a nice overview of the science behind weight loss.
One young man talks with a doctor about gastric bypass and ends up deciding to go that route. Another woman exercises hours a day in order to maintain her figure. Doctors talk about the bodies resistance to letting go of weight and how they're having serious problems finding solutions to the complex multi-system disease.
A few months back I reviewed Who Killed the Electric Car? and they had a list of causes for the death of the EV-1. This film explores the mainly medical aspects but with a few environmental factors figured in. One of the doctors believes the gut acts like a brain of sorts. He found out it has millions of nerve endings and researches how these play a role in obesity.
They talk about how large portions and use of sugary drinks helped increase our waistlines. How processed foods and convenience items deny our bodies nutrients so it wants MORE in order to get the minor amounts it needs. Creating a cycle of fat strage and starvation. Bet you never thought about a large person starving to death.
Pick up this fine film from SWOCC and North Bend and find all out about this fascinating topic.
Buy this DVD from Amazon: Fat - What No One Is Telling You
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