Sunday, February 17, 2008

Three Dog Rviews

Since I missed yesterday, I decided to do a few reviews of some movies I disliked.

Julia Roberts, Billy Crystal, and John Cusack are some of my favorites, yet they could not begin to save this lame story. Fake Hollywood films really need to have some pizazz to help us get into the thrill. Julia plays the former chubby and frumpy sister to mega star Catherine Zeta-Jones. Hello?? Switch it around and maybe it woulda worked.

Library:VHS; Coos Bay, Lakeside. DVD; Coquille, Lakeside, Bandon.


I try not to let someone's personal life change how I feel about films they make, it's just that Woody Allen creeps me out. That said, I'm really confused about how this film has any merit whatsoever. I like writer types, yet when Hollywood tries to tell their stories, they just seem dull. I don't care that this guy who hooks up with someone ELSE'S girlfriend and then is surprised she cheats on him. Like DUH. Jason Biggs and Christina Ricci don't mesh as a couple even for a minute.

Library: VHS; Coquille, Coos Bay. DVD; Lakeside, Bandon


I checked this out because Murry likes the Beatles and I thought it might be interesting too. OMG. Mr. Bicknell just goes around to sites and stands next to them and talks. It's like someone's travel highlights slide show. It could not be any more boring and any less insightful. I am ashamed that the library paid for this man capitalizing on his experiences.

Library: Bandon


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