During the 70s the movie industry LOVED disaster flicks, among them a series about plane crashes, called Airport. Airplane! spoofs this genre.
My straight laced aunt and I went to see it in the theater when it came out . There's a scene where the stewardess has to "blow up" the auto pilot that had me rolling in the aisles. I have no idea what my aunt thought. The amazing cast includes Lloyd Bridges, Peter Graves, Leslie Nielsen and Robert Stack goofing around making silly jokes for two hours. If you can't find something to laugh about during this film, I'm sorry consult a doctor.
Look for Barbara Billingsley offering to speak "jive" to the black guys. Truly one of the funniest sub titling scenes ever. Bandon has the DVD, Coos Bay, North Bend and Powers have VHS copies.
IMDB http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080339/
Buy it on Amazon
Airplane! (Don't Call Me Shirley! Edition)
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