Thursday, February 14, 2008

Movie Review: Arthur and the Invisibles

Half live action, half animation this kiddie film left a lot of opportunities for a decent plot on the cutting room floor. Though that's just a guess on my part. A boy tries to help his grandmother save their home from a real estate developer who wants to tear up the land and put up condos. Granddad, of course an adventurer who finds mysterious African tribes, had disappeared months ago. He went on a search for rubies given to him by a pair of tribes. Arthur transforms into a cartoon miniature of himself and tries to find the gems and granddad himself.

Murry said this is some of the best work Madonna's ever done. Mia Farrow and most everyone else coulda phoned in their performance.

Shades of the Ant Bully. Though this one is a little better. Pick up the DVD in Dora.


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