Friday, February 29, 2008
Movie Review: The Brothers Grimm
Fairy tales ought to entertain and teach a parable principle. This tale of scary woods and con men turned story tellers just left me going eh. Matt Damon and the late Heath Ledger star as a pair of traveling tale tellers who get caught up in the mythos of a town with a real problem. Both actors have better films to watch. Try looking through their resumes and find something enjoyable.
Myrtle Point, Bandon and Coos Bay have a copy of this DVD.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Movie Review: My Fellow Americans
How far can ya go wrong with Jack Lemmon and James Garner!? Not very. I love this ex presidents go on an action adventure road trip film. It makes me laugh to the point of wetting myself. Of course it's far fetched and silly, but I don't care. Throw in Dan Aykroyd as the current president and I'm just sent to snickery heaven.
Lemon and Garner are on the run from an NSA agent bent on framing them. When they thwart that plot, the agent tries to kill them. Keep a careful eye on the vice president.
Check out North Bend for the DVD and Bandon has a VHS copy.
Buy it on Amazon
My Fellow Americans
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Documentary Review: Bushisms
David Letterman has a skit he calls "great moments in presidential speeches." that plays clips of George W. Bush flubbing up all the time. Because Murry is a huge fan of Letterman, I've seen lots of these. Though some of them were new, for the most part the setup and snarky commentary by Al Franken and Jacob Weisberg added zero content.
I have no problem with going after Dubya, I just expect to be entertained and amused. If you REALLY want to see it, look in Myrtle Point.
Break Time
I did watch a bunch of movies over the weekend, but Sunday and Monday I took a computer break. I'll write extra reviews later. I so needed the time away from the keyboard. Once I took a whole month off IRC. That was serious. This time I just blocked my desk with seed selection for starting.
Ok, chatty enough for now. I'll be back on track soon.
Ok, chatty enough for now. I'll be back on track soon.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Movie Review: Brother's Keeper
This documentary tells the story of Delbert Ward and how he was put on trial for the death of his brother. These simple farmer folk didn't understand all the attention. Locals tended to ignore them until Delbert was accused, then people who would not give them the time of day, raised funds to defend the accused murderer.
It's unclear why the authorities were so determined to go after this guy. They could be my neighbors. If I ever have the unfortunate situation to be accused of a crime, I hope I am swift enough to say "lawyer NOW."
Bandon has the DVD.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Movie Review: Baraka
You may call this film a gem of sight and sound exploring global humanity as the filmmakers have. I just call it a bore. They purposely didn't provide any context for the sights and sounds and that totally frustrated me. I want to know who these people were, the context of the chants, where and why they're doing what they do or did.
I LOVE the world and all the variations people spin into their own lives. When I travel, I love to eat and drink local cuisine and listen to local music. Heck I love living on the Oregon Coast because of the sights, sounds and food. When an image I recognized popped on screen, it gave me comfort to know something. I want a story.
Bandon, Coos Bay and North Bend have copies of this DVD
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Movie Review: Spanglish
My whole reason for this blog began because I found some really neat movies at the library. Sometimes, like this film, I'm not that thrilled to check out. Low expectations seem to be a game I play with myself. It's amazing how much of a thrill it is when it turns out to be something I really enjoy.
Though Adam Sandler and Téa Leoni get top billing the story is truly stars Paz Vega.
A Mexican woman and her daughter leave their country looking for a better life. She heads north to Los Angeles where she finds work helping a rich Chef. His rude wife treats her own daughter like crap and begins influencing Vega's daughter.
Sandler's understated performance helps the film along, and all I can guess is the director reigned in his exuberant personality. A subtle relationship forms between him and the Mexican woman. Though they never raise to an affair they do seek comfort in trying to counteract his wife's influence on both their daughters.
Murry asked if Cloris Leachman got an Oscar for her performance. He feels she deserved one. She plays the rude wife's mom.
I guess the quality of this story confused the marketing people and they billed it as an Adam Sandler film. Big mistake. Please get this film. Dora, Myrtle Point, North Bend, Powers and Bandon libraries all have copies.
Buy it on Amazon
Download it from Amazon
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Movie Review: Burglar
Wow, IMDB and I diverge yet again. This Whoopi Goldberg comic action flick has more going for it than you'd expect. Whoppi witnesses a murder during a burglary. The killers then start chasing our heroine. I know the plot is a little passe, but I just like to watch it.
Coos Bay has the DVD.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Movie Review: Appointment for a Killing
Though this TV movie has somewhat low production values, the true story nature of it kept my interest for the whole two hours. While I haven't known anyone so sociopathic as to plot to kill people the way this dentist did, Corbin Bernsen made me feel like I had. Markie Post and Kelsey Grammer also drew me into the story.
Bernsen plays a philandering dentist who cons his paramours into meeting men and plots to kill them for life insurance. His wife catches him with a woman in his dentist chair and divorces him. Later she finds out he killed his girlfriend's husband and his parents. A federal agent gets involved with a business rival is blown up.
Look in Bandon for this interesting true story.
adult themes,
Monday, February 18, 2008
Movie Review: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
This cult classic makes me laugh and laugh. The plot is in the title, but I just love a few moments. Like the guy who tries to infiltrate the killer tomatoes and asks for ketchup. During the filming, something goes terribly wrong with a helicopter and it crashes. Not one to waste the moment, the filmmakers used it as a plot point.
I so don't get how the people off IMDB can't just love this film. YES, its' dumb. That's the point. Pop some popcorn and head on out to Myrtle Point Library and pick up this funny charmer.
Buy it on Amazon
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - 25th Anniversary Edition
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Three Dog Rviews
Since I missed yesterday, I decided to do a few reviews of some movies I disliked.
Julia Roberts, Billy Crystal, and John Cusack are some of my favorites, yet they could not begin to save this lame story. Fake Hollywood films really need to have some pizazz to help us get into the thrill. Julia plays the former chubby and frumpy sister to mega star Catherine Zeta-Jones. Hello?? Switch it around and maybe it woulda worked.
Library:VHS; Coos Bay, Lakeside. DVD; Coquille, Lakeside, Bandon.
I try not to let someone's personal life change how I feel about films they make, it's just that Woody Allen creeps me out. That said, I'm really confused about how this film has any merit whatsoever. I like writer types, yet when Hollywood tries to tell their stories, they just seem dull. I don't care that this guy who hooks up with someone ELSE'S girlfriend and then is surprised she cheats on him. Like DUH. Jason Biggs and Christina Ricci don't mesh as a couple even for a minute.
Library: VHS; Coquille, Coos Bay. DVD; Lakeside, Bandon
I checked this out because Murry likes the Beatles and I thought it might be interesting too. OMG. Mr. Bicknell just goes around to sites and stands next to them and talks. It's like someone's travel highlights slide show. It could not be any more boring and any less insightful. I am ashamed that the library paid for this man capitalizing on his experiences.
Library: Bandon
Julia Roberts, Billy Crystal, and John Cusack are some of my favorites, yet they could not begin to save this lame story. Fake Hollywood films really need to have some pizazz to help us get into the thrill. Julia plays the former chubby and frumpy sister to mega star Catherine Zeta-Jones. Hello?? Switch it around and maybe it woulda worked.
Library:VHS; Coos Bay, Lakeside. DVD; Coquille, Lakeside, Bandon.
I try not to let someone's personal life change how I feel about films they make, it's just that Woody Allen creeps me out. That said, I'm really confused about how this film has any merit whatsoever. I like writer types, yet when Hollywood tries to tell their stories, they just seem dull. I don't care that this guy who hooks up with someone ELSE'S girlfriend and then is surprised she cheats on him. Like DUH. Jason Biggs and Christina Ricci don't mesh as a couple even for a minute.
Library: VHS; Coquille, Coos Bay. DVD; Lakeside, Bandon
I checked this out because Murry likes the Beatles and I thought it might be interesting too. OMG. Mr. Bicknell just goes around to sites and stands next to them and talks. It's like someone's travel highlights slide show. It could not be any more boring and any less insightful. I am ashamed that the library paid for this man capitalizing on his experiences.
Library: Bandon
Dog List
Friday, February 15, 2008
Movie Review, Unleashed
Someone mentioned this film to Murry and he just happened to see it on the shelf. Jet Li plays the lead of a man raised in a cage and taught to fight like a dog. His "master" (Bob Hoskins) berates and threatens to kill him unless he fights. After a car crash, Danny escapes and begins to live with a blind piano tuner and his step-daughter. They teach him to be a human, but when they are threatened, Danny goes a bit wild and attacks anyone who would threaten his new life.
The library calls this Unleashed, but IMDB and elsehwere calls it Danny the Dog. Go for a walk and pick up a copy of this film in Coos Bay and BAndon.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Movie Review: Arthur and the Invisibles
Half live action, half animation this kiddie film left a lot of opportunities for a decent plot on the cutting room floor. Though that's just a guess on my part. A boy tries to help his grandmother save their home from a real estate developer who wants to tear up the land and put up condos. Granddad, of course an adventurer who finds mysterious African tribes, had disappeared months ago. He went on a search for rubies given to him by a pair of tribes. Arthur transforms into a cartoon miniature of himself and tries to find the gems and granddad himself.
Murry said this is some of the best work Madonna's ever done. Mia Farrow and most everyone else coulda phoned in their performance.
Shades of the Ant Bully. Though this one is a little better. Pick up the DVD in Dora.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Movie Review: Ali
Will Smith got a well deserved Oscar nomination for his portrayal of Mohammad Ali. While I liked this film my recollection of it is weak. I do remember that his conversion to Islam had a lot to do with friendship with people like Malcolm X (Mario Van Peebles) and the treatment of black athletes in the late 60s early 70s. I can't say I got any big insights out of the film.
Head on over to Morth Bend for the only copy of this DVD.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Movie Review: Airplane!
During the 70s the movie industry LOVED disaster flicks, among them a series about plane crashes, called Airport. Airplane! spoofs this genre.
My straight laced aunt and I went to see it in the theater when it came out . There's a scene where the stewardess has to "blow up" the auto pilot that had me rolling in the aisles. I have no idea what my aunt thought. The amazing cast includes Lloyd Bridges, Peter Graves, Leslie Nielsen and Robert Stack goofing around making silly jokes for two hours. If you can't find something to laugh about during this film, I'm sorry consult a doctor.
Look for Barbara Billingsley offering to speak "jive" to the black guys. Truly one of the funniest sub titling scenes ever. Bandon has the DVD, Coos Bay, North Bend and Powers have VHS copies.
Buy it on Amazon
Airplane! (Don't Call Me Shirley! Edition)
Monday, February 11, 2008
Movie Review: The 13th Warrior
Antonio Banderas plays an Arab who ends up in a group of Viking warriors fighting a mysterious dark enemy. The story feels a lot like a Lord of the Rings battle with mythical creatures, prophecy and differing cultures coming together. That pesky suspension of disbelief got in the way. The Arab learns the Viking language and fighting style by mere observation. Yeah right.
It's still good enough for a couple hours of your time. Look in Bandon for both a VHS and DVD copy and Coquille for the dvd alone.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Movie Review: Buffalo Soldiers
Ray Elwood (Joaquin Phoenix) runs a criminal enterprise within his army unit. As the supply Sargent with an out of touch commander, he deals drugs and selling pilfered weapons. He generates serious cash for him and his compadres.
In a way this is just a gang film only the gang operates within the army. The performances are believable, but mostly it's a waste of time.
Pick up the DVD in Bandon
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Movie Review: Brother Bear
I like animation and when done well, it can entertain the entire family. While Brother Bear holds up to a viewing, it seemed more suitable for a 30 minute Saturday morning cartoon. The Canadian moose entertain somewhat, but they spoil it with having them give their lines on the menu.
The story tells of three native American brothers who conflict with a bear. One brother dies, one brother gets turned into a bear and the third tries to kill his brother bear. Sound convoluted to you? Combine that with the so so animation and you know why I felt the story didn't warrant a feature long film. Maybe kids will like it.
Coos Bay and Bandon have DVD copies of this Disney film.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Movie Review: The Astronaut's Wife
Great actors Johnny Depp and Charlize Theron try valiantly to play these characters, but the script drags them down. The story tries to imply a contrast between the wife encountering an alien in her husband's body and her having a mental breakdown. Too much evidence one direction breaks the suspension of disbelief necessary for such a plot point to work.
Oh, goodie, lots of copies available for this dog. VHS in North Bend, Myrtle Point, Lakeside and DVD in Lakeside and Bandon.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Movie Review: Night at the Museum
Ben Stiller battles it out with exhibits that come alive at night when he takes on the job as security guard. I loved watching Dick Van Dyke and Mickey Rooney play the previous guards. Plus the nice understated performance as Teddy Roosevelt by Robin Williams charms. Fun for the whole family.
Look in Coquille, Dora, Myrtle Point, Bandon or Coos Bay for the DVD.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Movie Review: Dave
I saw this years ago when it first came out on video and just laughed all the way through. It's a very far fetched farce where Dave Kuvic (Kevin Kline) gets roped into pretending to be the president for a few months. Sigourney Weaver shows off her comedy chops playing the angry first lady.
I love all the levels of humor, both overt and subtle. In one scene the president operates a huge mechanical arm stating loudly, "I once caught a fish THIS BIG!" After discovering the impostor the first lady lays in bed singing "the sun'll come out tomorrow" into her pillow. Frank Langella also delights with his low key megalomaniac character.
Pick up the VHS copy in Coos Bay, North Bend and Coquille. Look in Bandon for the DVD.
Buy it on Amazon
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Random Soso List
Nothing in common with these films, I just like to clear off the list when it gets too big.
A meddling mother played by Diane Keaton tries to run her daughter's lives. Good actresses but it's just annoying to watch someone pester her kids.
Library:Myrtle Point, Dora, Bandon and Powers
The sequel to the quite watchable Bridget Jones's Diary just falls flat. Bridget goes to Thailand and gets into trouble and her boyfriend has to help her out once again. Get the first one and forget this one.
Library: Coos Bay
While I do like his music and it held some interest watching Steve Allen in a dramatic role, the plot meandered. The only true revelation of Benny Goodman's character showed when he tried to include black jazz players into his ensemble. I'd like to know more, there has to be a better forum for that.
Library: Bandon
Alex needs help writing his novel and Emma helps take it down. Maybe it's just the bad acting, bad script, boring scenery... Maybe this needed to be in a dog list? ;)
Library:Lakeside, Bandon and Coquille
A meddling mother played by Diane Keaton tries to run her daughter's lives. Good actresses but it's just annoying to watch someone pester her kids.
Library:Myrtle Point, Dora, Bandon and Powers
The sequel to the quite watchable Bridget Jones's Diary just falls flat. Bridget goes to Thailand and gets into trouble and her boyfriend has to help her out once again. Get the first one and forget this one.
Library: Coos Bay
While I do like his music and it held some interest watching Steve Allen in a dramatic role, the plot meandered. The only true revelation of Benny Goodman's character showed when he tried to include black jazz players into his ensemble. I'd like to know more, there has to be a better forum for that.
Library: Bandon
Alex needs help writing his novel and Emma helps take it down. Maybe it's just the bad acting, bad script, boring scenery... Maybe this needed to be in a dog list? ;)
Library:Lakeside, Bandon and Coquille
Soso List
Monday, February 4, 2008
Movie Review: Click
This morality play tells the story of a workaholic husband and father who gets a remote control that controls life. It stars Adam Sandler with Christopher Walken as the guy who gives him the device. The character has good intentions for the most part, he just needs to learn some boundaries.
Lots of funny bits and typical Sandler hump jokes and angry acting out. Perhaps if someone could reign in his grade school sensibilities he could make better movies. Rated PG-13 for language, crude and sex-related humor, and some drug references, ya think??
Look for Click in Mrytle Point, Dora and Coos Bay.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Alright, I'm looking for some feedback on the blog. I know people are passing through, I hear your footsteps. Here are my questions:
1. Would anyone like the help write a review on weekends?
2. Are there films you'd like to know more about?
3. Do you have any comments on the layout of the page?
4. Do you have any comments on my reviews?
Hope to hear from some of you.
1. Would anyone like the help write a review on weekends?
2. Are there films you'd like to know more about?
3. Do you have any comments on the layout of the page?
4. Do you have any comments on my reviews?
Hope to hear from some of you.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Documentary Review: Ground Force, The Titchmarsh Years
This DVD shows a collection of the Ground Force program that changes the gardens for Brit folks. I'm a big fan of the show, however this documentary just recaps a few show elements and doesn't show design ideas. It's kinda like a puff piece and not really that good. It doesn't inspire you to see the program if you haven't. The only value might be for those who love the show and want to see some tidbits about the people involved.
Coos Bay has the only DVD Copy.
IMDB (of the program)
Friday, February 1, 2008
Movie Review: A Bronx Tale
I found Robert De Niro's directorial debut one mob film I could stand. Most of the genre just strikes me as silly. I mean how long can anything last where people get killed over trivia? This tale of a kid who decides not to rat on the neighborhood mobster explores much of the side many of the others gloss over. How kids sometimes wander into that lifestyle and how someone can steer them in or out.
Sonny (Chazz Palminteri) befriends the kid and has him work in his bar serving drinks and rolling dice. His dad (De Niro) finds out and tells him to stay away, but the kid remains fascinated.
The story meanders into the lives of the main character in unexpected ways. Some of the timing of events, what they call continuity, jars. Like one day where a fight breaks out between local hoodlums friends of the main character and some local black kids. Then the kid is riding in the car with his mob buddy who decides to take him to lunch, it just appeared the fight happened in the afternoon so it makes for a convoluted day.
Lots of concepts at odds in this film; mob versus clean life, African-American versus Italian-American and the central theme fear versus love.
Bandon has the DVD and it shows a VHS but I can't figure out if you can hold that copy or not.
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