This felt like a lame and slow Jane Austin novel. Some relatives of an American family arrive and insinuate themselves into the local society. We're never sure if they are conning the family or if they're real. I had to catch myself before I nodded off. Leave it on the library shelf.
Library: Bandon & Powers.
Amazon: The Europeans (The Merchant Ivory Collection)
Completely forgettable Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman stinker had them feigning Irish accents. Ron Howard directed this who cares epic about a couple moving to America and trying to start a new life. Yawn.
Library: VHS; Dora & Powers. DVD; Bandon, Dora & Myrtle Point.
Amazon: Far and Away
This tale of a family filled with drama lost me from the start. The poor translations and sound dubbing distracted, but I don't understand why it's titled for the children, or who's point of view I'm supposed to focus on.
Famed director Ingmar Bergman made this toward the end of his life. For huge fans of foreign language and or the director, view it in the original language and leave a comment. I'd like to understand what all the praise is about.
Library: Bandon & North Bend.
Amazon: Fanny and Alexander (The Theatrical Version) - Criterion Collection
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