So bad I chose not to watch more than the first five minutes. Send a comment if you want to write a review. I can't believe I checked it out twice. If I reviewed this before, I can't find it on the site. Look for Lorenzo Lamas if you want to see it.
Library: Bandon
Amazon: 13 Dead Men
I can't believe this badly made flick has more than one copy at the library. I've made no bones about disliking cheaters and mobsters and here we have both. This character works for the mob when he wants, but he's always up in people's face about what's right and it's no surprise he hardly gets anywhere in the organization. He cheats on his girl too.
This features very early Joe Pesci work and I figure someone thought he was worth watching. The main character collects debts for his mobster overlords, but we're not sure why they put up with his attitude. Avoid.
Library: Bandon & Coos Bay (maybe)
Amazon: Family Enforcer
Chalk this one up as a badly titled film. The quake had little do do with the plot, I guess they just wanted to capitalize on the idea. An undercover cop, Traci Lords, gets pulled off an assignment to transport a mobster and finds out she's being set up.
Lots of explosions and special effects wasted on this crappy plot. Lords can do a good job, but they didn't give her anything decent to say.
Library: Bandon
Amazon: Epicenter
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