Robert Mitchum stars as a new captain of a World War II destroyer menaced by a German U-Boat. His crew doesn't know his capabilities and so frets over what he may do.
Regular fans of Star Trek the original series may recognize this plot in an episode where Kirk and the Enterprise crew fight the Romulans. Clearly someone saw this film and decided to use the same feel for the science fiction adventure.
We see the Germans plot and organize the destruction of the enemy using virtual identical tactics as his American counterpart. These well matched adversaries battle it out with stoic precision. First one has the upper hand then the other. Their crews learn their style and perform above and beyond their duty.
As this is typical of American made war films, "we" win in the end. But it's no hollow victory. Everyone's deeds contributed to a positive outcome. One sailor contributes his fingers to the cause. Still they go on fighting for their lives.
I'm no huge fan of war, but they made their case for honorable combat. It's worth a watch. Look in Myrtle Point for the DVD.
Buy this DVD from Amazon: The Enemy Below
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