Bette Midler has a beautiful voice and she's a comic genius. I simply don't like her choice of most songs. I LOVE The Rose, but most of the rest of what she sang didn't really thrill me.
Her comedy bits are really great as well. Very dirty though. Not for kids AT ALL. I love bawdy humor like that.
Honestly I think any fans of hers would like this pre Beaches Midler with its elaborate sets and costumes. I just can't recommend any higher rating as I didn't enjoy most of it.
Library: Coquille
Buy the DVD from Amazon:
Divine Madness
OK, this isn't OLD, but it definitely is a soso! Apparently it's a comic that I'd never heard of and animated from Marvel Entertainment. I enjoy a good adult cartoon, but this convoluted plot and hokey story just failed to move me.
A doctor witnesses some monsters crash around a city while some strange fighters kill it. Apparently, normal people aren't supposed to be able to see this. After the emotionally unstable doctor tries to kill himself these mysterious monster fighters send him to Tibet to gain spiritual insight.
Understanding a plot doesn't necessarily mean it really makes sense. I get the good versus evil stuff, but the faith testing seemed shallow and contrived. I get Batman more. He's a rich guy with toys. Spiderman is every man thrust into the super hero role. Dr. Strange comes off as egotistical self indulgent jerk roped into fighting darkness. I didn't identify with him or care what happened.
Library: Bandon
Buy the DVD from Amazon:
Doctor Strange: The Sorcerer Supreme
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