I'm amazed at Meryl Streep chameleon acting chops. She plays this character so real, it's tough to tell them apart. Sam Neill does well as her husband, too. These parents show the sad and confusing troubles that come from being accused of murdering their tiny baby.
They claim a dingo stole into the tent during a camping trip and took the baby. Authorities find the tiny body some time later and there's some confusion as to what happened. The mother, Lindy Chamberlain, is put on trail and convicted of murder. Later they find some clothing belonging to the baby, implying her innocence and she's released from jail.
Honestly, this isn't a film to "enjoy." Though the actors depict the sorrow and stress of the proceedings in a poignant and reverent way. We see these real people go through a real tragedy as if they are friends of ours.
Check Coos Bay, Bandon or Myrtle Point for the DVD.
Buy the DVD from Amazon:
A Cry in the Dark
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