Science fiction tends to get my attention, but sadly this lacked any redeeming value whatsoever. A notorious intergalactic prisoner escapes and ends up on a shp run by a pair of married scientists who have a rebellious teenage daughter with them.
They don't realize he's an escaped prisoner until he tries to take their ship. First he starts out by trying to manipulate the daughter, but when she wont hurt her mother for him, he gets angry and tries to attack her.
He manages to lock the family into a compartment, but the mom uses some military training to fight him off. Apparently his buddies were asleep on his ship and he wakes them up and try and help the bad guy leader kill the family.
We don't really understand who any of these people really are and what motivated them. We're given no set up for why the mom has all this magical training or why she's not getting along with her daughter.
Myrtle Point has the DVD.
Find additional information on Amazon: Escape Velocity
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