Thursday, December 11, 2008

So Many Dogs, So Little Time

OK, my cooling problem is NOT solved. Here's what I was gonna review but started getting errors. I'll finish these when I can. Thanks for your patience. FINISHED NOW!

Defenders of Space

This Korean made animation left a ton to be desired. I skipped through it but there's just nothing of any interest there. Much like Protectors of the Universe, little data was available online. The library didn't have much and I couldn't figure out an alternative title.

They have two copies of the DVD on the library system, one in Bandon another in Dora. Avoid them both.

I can't find an IMDB listing but I did find the link below from Amazon. It might not be the correct film, but it has an interesting review that if you like this sort of thing is worth a read: Defenders of Space - Animated DVD

This was SO BAD I didn't even watch more than a few minutes. The acting and images bored me silly. Maybe very little kids might like it. It's way not my cup.

A father and his two sons find themselves trapped on a mysterious island where humans and dinosaurs live. Everyone speaks English. Ok, this is for kids, I can forgive them for giant leaps of HUH?? but it has to have some kind of, I dunno, flow and focus.

Of the three films with Dinotopia in the title the one called "the Series" is the one I saw. Check North Bend and Myrtle Point for the DVD. The two others one from Coos Bay and one from Bandon seem to be something different, but since I haven't actually checked them out, I'm not sure of that.


Check out this Amazon link to the DVD:
Dinotopia - The Series

Coming of age spanking high school freshman rituals bug me huge. Also, fraternity hazing would too, but this is about younger brats. Abuse rituals just egg on bully behavior. BAH, ok off my soap box.

If you want to check out some really young stars of today, check out this film. Look for Matthew McConaughey, Milla Jovovich, Ben Affleck, Parker Posey, Jason London and Joey Lauren Adams. McConaughey debuts his famous stoner line of "alright alright alright" and Affleck looks scary buff. Fans of the others will have to look for them as I am not as familiar with what they look like.

Bandon has the DVD and look in Coos Bay for the VHS tape.


Buy the DVD from Amazon:
Dazed & Confused (Widescreen Flashback Edition)

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