Since we're doing older films this week, I figured I'd go ahead with this one. First the music totally sets the mood as we see aristocratic Russia turn into the Soviet Union.
I know many people LOVED this film and it won several well deserved Oscars for Cinematography, costuming and score. These things made the film a beauty to behold. Sweeping scenes of fields of daffodils and snow covered tundra inspire the sense of vastness. Gem quality all.
I thought it just kind of went on a bit long. It teaches a romantic lesson of a country in transition. We see it through the eyes of basically three people. An aristocratic doctor, a woman he helps and the man she marries.
Because he has a valued skill Doctor Zhivago himself, Omar Sharif, finds himself accepted into the new Soviet Union. He and his wife try and cope with learning to live with other people surrounding them.
Before the revolution the doctor meets poor yet beautiful Lara played by Julie Christie. She goes on to marry political activist Pasha. All of Russia suffers in the severity of World War I and Lara inspires Zhivago's poetic heart.
Watch this for the beauty and music. Look in Coos Bay, Myrtle Point and SWOCC for the DVD. Bandon, Coos Bay, Coquille, Dora, Lakeside, Myrtle Point and Powers have VHS copies.
Buy this DVD from Amazon: Doctor Zhivago (Two-Disc Special Edition)
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