Sunday, June 19, 2011

Source Code

I'm sure I'm going to be massively out of practice writing this. It's been months since I worked on this blog and I feel guilty for abandoning it. I haven't been in the library to renew my card yet this year. But I did come across a film I thought was worth oiling up my rusty writing joints for.

Jake Gyllenhaal plays a soldier sent into the past to find information about a bomb on a train. He tries desperately to change the past but each time his handlers tell him he has no control and his only assignment is to prevent a future bomb.

This film kept me guessing and hoping that something would work out for the desperate confused young man. I wanted him to find his way out of the mixed up world he found himself in. Though we see a scene repeat itself over, each time they change the experience just enough to keep our attention.

I didn't get this from the library but I bet it will be there soon.

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