Jack Black stars as a musician mooching off his buddy who works as a substitute teacher. When his Buddy's girlfriend, Sarah Silverman, gets on his case to get a job, he pretends to be his buddy to get a teaching gig.
He doesn't care about the kids until he hears them play music, then he decides to make them a rock band. This unlikely scenario flourishes into a full blown love story dedicated to Black's first and only desire, to be in battle of the bands.
I think I'm bowing to relationship pressure by reviewing this as watchable. I mean I suppose it was OK. My mate kept saying how great Jack Black in this role. So I just changed my mind. I didn't like this film much and I don't like the idea that someone can behave so irresponsibly around kids.
Sure it's a bad scene for parents to try and force their kids to be little automatons, but this kind of defiance left me grouchy. And all is forgiven eventually. Like no, he'd be in JAIL.
OK, rant over, watch it if you like. But a great film like Dead Poets Society rules and School of Rock drools. Look in Bandon, Coos Bay, Coquille, Myrtle Point and North Bend library branches for a copy of this DVD.
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0332379/
Buy it on Amazon: School of Rock (Widescreen Edition)
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