Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Ok, I'm convinced a giant goose woke me up! ;) Honestly, some sort of alarm went off this morning and I have no clue what it was.

I've been meaning to start a blog on "interesting movies" I found at the Library so I decided since I was awake, I'd start this. I started out just picking movies off the shelf in Coos Bay and North Bend at random. I found some good ones just because I liked the actors or I'd heard about them somewhere. Then when I logged on to the library web site, I found I could click on DVDs and go through the list alphabetically. I'm still on the B's at the moment, but I think there's enough to start posting some "should see" with comments.

I'll do the movies in each of their own posts. I might even comment on an occasional book I see too. Fancy that, books at the library. ;)

As for me, I grew up in Las Vegas and "escaped" when I was 2 months shy of my 18th birthday. I moved to Berkeley, California. Talk about CULTURE SHOCK!. I moved in with some writer friend's and tried to "find myself" as a writer. It wasn't until I was in my 30s that I began taking my writing serious. By then I'd moved to Los Angeles and been through a divorce.

I took journalism and graphic arts at Pasadena City College. In the late 90s, I wrote for the college newspaper and edited a couple vocational magazines. I made my first freelance sale to Pasadena Weekly in 1998. I loved school, but I couldn't figure out what university to go to, so I took a job editing a newsletter for a non profit. I hated it.

I met my husband, henceforth referred to as "Murry" and we decided to move to Oregon. He loves the coast so we toured the state and found our nice little one acre lot just outside the city limits of Coos Bay. I LOVE it here!

Okay, that's enough about me for now. My eclectic interests will show up
in the movies I review.

BTW, I am not going to do a serious, you will find in a newspaper review. In my college career I wrote only one of those and I HATED all that effort for the so so piece I wrote. I'm doing this to share my thoughts with people here who might like to know what the Library has to offer.


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