My inspiration for this blog was our amazing libraries here on the Oregon Coast. Here's the URL
I have internet friends who tell me their local libraries suck. As I said, I lived in Las Vegas, Berkeley and Los Angeles and all those places have great libraries. I helped a poet friend do a reading at the Las Vegas library. It was 26 years ago and I don't recall what branch, but there were over 30 people there.
My ex and I started a business in 1985 and I checked out a ton of books from the library up near his parent's house in Rancho Palos Verdes. I got a lot of marketing and business advice from that armload of how to books.
I'd been working on a nice little fiction piece and I wanted to start looking for a market so I asked Murry to take me to the library. I have poor eyesight and don't drive, so he's my chauffeur.
So we went into the library, I picked up some books and had a look around. So many books, so little time! We started poking around the DVDs and just started watching all kinds of things. I asked at the desk about a review and they said talk to the friends of the library. I left my name but no one called back.
About a month ago I was standing in the DVD section of the North Bend library when a woman mused aloud that she wanted a movie for the family to watch. She grabbed Girl with the Pearl Earing about Vermeer. I'd just seen it. I love Vermeer so I was curious about the tale. Scarlett Johansson plays the maid turned art subject for the 17th century painter. This slow and very subtle story unfolds like a moving painting. It is definitely not a family film, I told the woman.
I enjoyed the quiet romance between the maid Griet (Johansson) and Vermeer (Colin Firth.) One would have to have diverse interests and lots of patience to sit through this movie. Yes the performances are outstanding, and the look is beautiful, it's just not enough to make up for the snail's pace of the story. Big fan of the artist and actors? See it. Otherwise, pick something with more umph.